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中南大学湘雅医院骨科创建于1952年,是我国首批成立的西医骨科之一,经过半个多世纪的发展,学科逐步发展壮大,1981年成立了创伤、手外、骨病三个专业组,2004年后相继成立了脊柱外科、关节外科、创伤骨科、手显微外科、骨病专科、足踝外科6个亚专科。2010年被卫生部授予首批国家临床重点专科。目前已发展成为集医疗、教学、科研为一体的国家区域性骨科医疗中心。 湘雅骨科是医院领军学科之一,拥有湘雅名医7名、其中4名专家享受国务院政府特殊津贴。本学科现有专科医生73名,其中教授14名、副教授27名;90%以上人员具有博士学位、15名医生具有一年以上的欧美留学经历。目前开设病房7个、开放病床324张(包括分部病房2个、病床98张),每年接诊门诊患者近18万人次、收治住院患者7000余例、开展疑难复杂手术7600余台。 湘雅骨科1983年成立了骨科学硕士点,1993年经国务院批准成立了湖南省第一个骨科学博士点,目前是硕士、博士学位授予点和博士后流动站,现有博士生导师12名、硕士生导师23名,每年培养毕业硕士、博士研究生30余名,现有在读博士、硕士研究生60余名;每年培养骨科住院医师50名、专科进修医生近40名;学生来自于全国32个省市自治区。 湘雅骨科是国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心的支撑学科之一,目前拥有器官损伤衰老与再生医学湖南省重点实验室、骨关节退变与损伤湖南省重点实验室、高性能仿骨生物工程材料湖南省工程实验室、金属与陶瓷医用植入体湖南省工程研究中心等省部级研究平台11个。近年来获国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国家重大科技支撑计划课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目52项、省部级课题50余项,总研究经费达8000余万元;先后在国内外学术期刊发表论文1000余篇,其中SCI收录论文450余篇、2项重要研究成果分别发表于国际顶尖期刊《NEJM》和《JAMA》,主编(译)专著30部,获国家发明专利授权32项、实用新型专利授权50项、获省部级各类奖项50余项。 湖南省医学会骨科专业委员会、湖南省医学会显微外科专业委员会、湖南省医学会脊柱外科专业委员会、湖南省医学会运动医疗专业委员会、湖南省医学会骨科专业委员会关节外科学组、湖南省医学会骨科专业委员会创伤学组、湖南省医学会骨科专业委员会护理学组、湖南省康复医学会骨质疏松专业委员会、湖南省关节外科临床医学研究中心、湖南省关节外科诊疗中心、湖南省骨科腔镜质量控制中心均挂靠本科。骨科主任唐举玉教授现任中华医学会显微外科学分会副主任委员兼中国医师协会手外科医师分会副会长、雷光华教授现任中国医师协会骨科医师分会副会长、胡懿郃教授现任中华医学会骨科学分会常务委员,在国内骨科界具有较高的学术地位和较大学术影响。
Founded in 1952, the Department of Orthopaedics of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University(DOXHCSU) is one of the earliest orthopaedic departments of Western Medicine established in China. After half a century of development, the department has gradually developed and expanded. In 1981, three professional groups of Orthopedic Trauma, Hand Surgery and Orthopedic Oncology & Disease were established. After 2004, six sub specialties in DOXHCSU were successively established, including Spine Surgery, Joint Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma, Hand & Microsurgery, Orthopedic Oncology & Disease and Foot & Ankle Surgery. In 2010, DOXHCSU was awarded as the first batch of national key clinical specialties by the Ministry of health. At present, it has developed into a national regional orthopedic medical center integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research. DOXHCSU is one of the leading disciplines in the hospital. It has 7 “Xiangya Top Doctor” and 4 experts enjoy the special allowance of the State Council. There are 73 specialist doctors in this discipline, including 14 professors and 27 associate professors. More than 90% of them have MD degrees and 15 doctors have more than one year"s experience of studying in Europe and America. At present, there are 7 wards, 324 open beds (including 2 sub wards and 98 beds), nearly 180000 outpatients, more than 7000 inpatients and more than 7600 difficult and complicated operations pre year. In 1983, the DOXHCSU established the master"s degree of orthopedics, and in 1993, established the first doctor"s degree of orthopedics in Hunan Province, approved by the State Council. At present, it is a master"s degree and doctor"s degree granting point and a postdoctoral mobile station. Now, DOXHCSU has 12 doctoral supervisors and 23 master"s supervisors, and it trains more than 30 graduate and doctor"s postgraduates every year. More than 60 doctoral and master"s postgraduates are studying in the department, and there are 50 orthopedic residents and nearly 40 advanced specialists trained in our department, too. Students come from 32 provinces and autonomous regions. DOXHCSU is the one of the supporting department of the National Geriatric Clinical Medicine Research Center. At present, it has provincial and ministerial research platforms such as Hunan Key Laboratory of Organ Injury, Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Hunan Key Laboratory of Bone Joint Degeneration and Injury, Hunan Engineering Laboratory of High-performance Bone-like Bioengineering Materials, Hunan Engineering Research Center of Metal and Ceramic Medical Implants, etc. In recent years, it has won 1 key project of NSFC, 1 project of National Major Science and Technology Support Program, 52 projects of NSFC, more than 50 provincial and ministerial level projects, with a total research fund of more than 80 million yuan. It has published more than 1000 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 450 papers are indexed in SCI, and 2 important research results are published in NEJM and JAMA, the top international journal. There are 30 monographs edited (Translated), 32 national invention patents, 50 utility model patents and more than 50 provincial and ministerial awards in DOXHCSU. The DOXHCSU is the affiliated department of many societies, including the Orthopedic Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Microsurgery Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Spine Surgery Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Sports Medicine Committee of Hunan Province Medical Association, the Joint Surgery group of the Orthopedic Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Trauma group of the Orthopedic Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Nursing group of the Orthopedic Committee of Hunan Medical Association, the Osteoporosis Committee of Hunan Rehabilitation Medical Association, the Clinical Medical Research Center of Hunan Joint Surgery, the Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Hunan Joint Surgery, the Quality Control Center of Hunan Orthopedic Endoscopy. Professor Tang juyu, director of Orthopaedics, is currently vice chairman of Microsurgery Committee of Chinese Medical Association and vice chairman of Hand Surgery Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Professor Lei Guanghua is now vice chairman of orthopaedic Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Professor Hu Yihe is now standing member of orthopaedic Committee of Chinese Medical Association. They have high academic status and great academic influence in the orthopaedic circle of China.
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