- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
- 科研中心成立于1998年,在原儿科研究室基础上建立,拥有建筑面积近1000平方米,现有工作人员5位,高级职称3人,硕士生3人。为各个重点学科建设提供服务,全面负责研究生和一些医务人员实验技术培训、指导及科研工作。 经过几年的建设,中心制定了岗位责任制、实验室管理制度、实验室安全管理条例、实验室研究生管理守则,实验室清洁管理制度,编写了生物安全二级实验室管理手册,建立了常规实验方法学,如RT-PCR、实时定量PCR、双向电泳、Westernblot、免疫组化、细胞培养等。 中心建立了多个实验室,为科研提供一个高质量的服务平台。包括分子生物学实验室,细胞培养实验室,荧光分析实验室,图像分析室,动物实验室,蛋白组学实验室,P2实验室,普通实验室等。主要仪器有GE双向电泳、活体组织切片机,生物安全柜,CO2培养箱,超低温冰箱,高速冷冻离心机,超速离心机,梯度PCR仪,Real time PCR仪,全自动酶标仪,岛津紫外分光仪,荧光显微镜,倒置显微镜,超净工作台等。 我院领导高度重视支持科研中心的建设和发展,其硬件软件的投入仍然在继续。我们相信,通过进一步的优化组合,实现资源共享,一定能构建高层次、高起点的实验室。中心所提供的先进设备,完善的管理制度,勤奋敬业精神,能使我院科研水平提高一个新的台阶。 The research center of theSecond Affiliated Hospital/Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou MedicalCollege was established in 1998. It is located in the 7th floor ofthe administrative building and has over 1000 m2 of well equippedlaboratory and office space. The research center is headed by a seniorclinician scientist and staffed by a total of 4 scientists and supportpersonnel. The main role of the research center is to provide core researchfacilities and substantial technical support for both clinician scientists andgraduate students in biomedical science to do basic and applied biomedicalresearch. The staff members can provide technical support to otherinvestigators and train the graduate students in performing experiments usingthe equipments in the research center. They may also give advices on theexperimental design and help on the data analysis. Considerable effort hasbeen invested in the development of a modular organizational structure tomaximize the efficiency and effectiveness of research conducted at the researchcenter. Several Shared Resource Facilities and well equipped Conventional Laboratories are availableto all researchers in the institution.They include Microscopy SharedResource Facility, Quantitative PCR SharedResource Facility, Histology Service Shared Resource Facility, CellCulture Rooms,and a laboratory for Biosafety Classe S2. Major equipmentsinclude a fluorescence microscope (Olympus), invertedmicroscopes, a gel electrophoresis(1 and 2 dimensional, GE), semi-dry and submerged electrotransfer cells, aBeckman ultracentrifuge, refrigerated centrifuges, microcentrifuges, refrigerators,-80ºC freezers, a bacterial shaker, CO2 incubators, superclean benches,a biosafety hood, a spectrophotometer, and basic Gradient PCR, gelelectrophoresis for molecular biology experiments.
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