- 医生简介:
2003-7 ~ 2008-6 臺北荣民总医院骨科部住院医师
2008-7~ 2009-8 臺北荣民总医院嵴椎外科临床研究员
2009-9 ~ 2011-9 臺北荣民总医院苏澳分院骨科主治医师
2009-11 ~ 2011-9 臺北荣民总医院苏澳分院急诊室主任
- 论文发表:
Research Articles:
1. Chou PH, Chen WM, Chen CF, Chiang CC, Liu CL, Chen TH. Clinical Comparison of Valgus and Varus Deformities in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Following Midvastus Approach. J Arthroplasty. 2011 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Liu KY, Chen TH, Shyu JF, Wang ST, Liu JY, Chou PH . Anatomic study of the axillary nerve in a Chinese cadaveric population: correlation of the course of the nerve with proximal humeral fixation with intramedullary nail or external skeletal fixation. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 May;131(5):669-74. (Corresponding author)
3. Chou PH, Shyu JF, Ma HL, Wang ST, Chen TH. Courses of the radial nerve differ between chinese and Caucasians: clinical applications. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008 Jan;466(1):135-8.
4. Chou PH, Feng CK, Chiu FY, Chen TH. Isometric measurement of wrist-extensor power following surgical treatment of displaced lateral condylar fracture of the humerus in children. Int Orthop. 2008 Oct;32(5):679-84.
5. Po-Hsin Chou, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Kuang-Sheng Lee, Cheng-Fong Chen, Ching-Kuei Huang, Yu-Ping Su, Chao-Ching Chiang, Wei-Ming Chen. Total knee arthroplasty for knee arthritis with valgus deformity through the midvastus approach. J Orthop Surg Taiwan. 2006;23:9-97.
6. 周伯鑫、王世典、刘建麟。嵴椎融合手术。临床医学杂誌。民国九十八年十一月第64卷第五期, P.347-52
Case Reports:
1. Chou PH, Huang TF, Lin SC, Chen YK, Chen TH. Synovial chondromatosis presented as knocking sensation of the knee in a 14-year-old girl. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2007 May;127(4):293-7
2. Chen HC, Huang TF, Chou PH, Chen TH. Deltoid contracture: a case with multiple muscle contractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2008 Nov;128(11):1239-43
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[ 预约 ] 指可提供线上预约挂号,选择合适时间段预约成功后,可到线下就诊。
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