- 医生擅长:
- 医生简介:
和信治癌中心医院 外科部一般外科 主治医师 2010.10~迄今
国立阳明大学 医学系 学士1996.09~2003.06
和信治癌中心医院 外科部一般外科 专研医师 2010.07 -2010.10
和信治癌中心医院 外科部一般外科 住院医师 2005.04–2010.06
台北荣民总医院 外科部 住院医师 2005.04–2010.06
- 论文发表:
1.”Risk Factors for False Negative Intraoperative Imprint Cytology Examination in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy of Breast Cancer Patients”,2010 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium (TIBCS) and 2nd The Cross Strait Conference on Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, Taipei, Taiwan (2010-OP,oral report).
2. “Risk Factors for Post-Pancreaticoduodenectomy Bleeding and Finding an Innovative Approach to Treatment”, 69th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association, Taipei, Taiwan (2009-03, oral report) and 40th Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008-10, oral report)
3. “HBsAg(+) Donor as a Kidney Transplantation Deceased Donor” 10th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation (CAST), Pattaya, Thailand (2007-12, oral report)
4. “ACTH-Independent Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Case Report” 66th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association, Kaoshung. Taiwan (2007-03,poster)
- 社会任职:
[ 出诊 ] 指仅提供出诊信息,暂无线上预约挂号,可到医院挂号处挂号。
[ 预约 ] 指可提供线上预约挂号,选择合适时间段预约成功后,可到线下就诊。
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