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胡建民,福建医科大学附属第二医院主任医师、眼科学博士、博士研究生导师。国际低视力研究与康复学会(International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation, ISLRR)执行委员,中华眼科学会眼视光组委员,中国医师学会眼视光专委会委员,中国残联视网膜病变者委员会顾问委员,教育部视障教育康复顾问,美国视力康复委员会专家库成员,《中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志》通讯编委。中山大学中山眼科中心眼科视光学博士毕业,2009年国家公派赴美国加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)留学,师从WHO盲与低视力标准制定者August Colenbrander教授、美国视力康复委员会前主席Donald Fletcher教授和眼底科Jay Stewart教授。在福建医大附属二院开设眼视光、低视力门诊及泉州低视力康复中心,主编和参与编写多部低视力学相关的全国高等医学本科教材、中国残联培训教材及教育部视障教育康复课程标准。目前主持参与国家自然基金项目、省市眼视光课题10多项, 研究方向为眼底病与视力损害,目前发表SCI文章13篇, 经常参与中央省市各级残联及特教低视力康复工作。 门诊时间:周二上午、周五上午(鲤城院区)Dr. Jianmin Hu, Chief Physician, Associate Professor and master's mentor from Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, is currently an executive committee member of International Society of Low Vision Rehabilitation Research (ISLRR), who also served on numerous local and national Ophthalmology, allied health and research committees. He is known as a member of Optometry Group in Chinese Academy of Ophthalmology and American Academy of Ophthalmology, an advisor on committee of Chinese National Association of the Blind for Research in Retinal Degeneration.After obtaining his Ph.D in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Dr. Jianmin Hu went to the US in 2009 and completed his advanced studies of ophthalmology and low vision impairments & rehabilitation at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Pacific Medical Center, under the guidance of Dr. Jay Steward for retina related low vision impairments. Also, He studied with Dr. Donald Fletcher and Dr. August Colenbrander, who established WHO standard of blindness and low vision.Returning to Fujian, China, Dr. Hu has dedicated his career to increase accessible low vision rehabilitation services. His background enables him to be a top expert in optometry and ophthalmology, especially in the field of ocular fundus disease and visual impairment. He directed the establishment of Low Vision Clinic and visual function laboratory in Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujia Medical University and Low Vision Rehabilitation Center in Quanzhou School for the Blind. He dedicated his passion and career to low vision research as well. He is now in charge of over 10 research projects, including some National Natural & Science Fund and Provincial Department of Education Fund projects.Besides conducting research himself, Dr. Hu also commits to spreading knowledge of Low Vision. He has contributed to numerous scientific and professional papers and monograph on topics covering low vision, ocular fundus and visual impairment, edited several text books. To date, he has published over 30 scientific & professional papers and monographs in both national and international academic journals, including 13 SCI articles.Due to his expertise and contribution in the area of the low vision studies, Dr. Hu becomes a vital expert consultant of China Assistive Devices and Technology Center for Persons with Disabilities (CADTC) as well as visual impairment rehabilitation consultant of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. He has participated in a variety of ophthalmology and low vision related health and research committees, as well as the formulation of the national plan on low vision rehabilitation and educational rehabilitation curriculum standards for visual impaired in China.
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