- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
- 甘肃省中医院陇中正骨医院国际医疗部,是陇中正骨医院的二级科室,是随着医院整体实力的提升和“一带一路”建设工作的不断推进,为满足社会各界不同层次的医疗服务需求而设立的特需病房。国际医疗部以提供高端、优质医疗服务为宗旨,以市场需求为导向,以更好的人文化医疗服务为目标,实行住院、检查、治疗、康复一体化,为国内外患者提供高端医疗服务。国际医疗部人员结构层次鲜明,现有甘肃省名中医、硕士研究生导师、主任医师1名,副主任医师1名,资深主治医师4名,医学硕士5名,专业护理人员12名。科室竭诚为患者提供特需门诊服务并开展专家特诊,专家手术,康复保健、健康咨询、养生药膳、文化传播等服务。国际医疗部设有独立的门诊和病房,提供温馨、舒适的服务设施。依托甘肃省中医院陇中正骨医院一流的医疗资源和先进的管理理念为广大患者提供最优质的医疗服务。住院部环境优雅,各种医疗、康复设施先进,中医保健设备齐全,医务人员实力雄厚。每个房间配备独立卫浴、电视、沙发、冰箱、宽带、电话等,达到星级宾馆水平。国际医疗部实行“一站式”综合服务,患者无需等待,优先入院,优先检查,我们提供最优质的服务,最专业的治疗,我们承诺,“相识一次,服务一生”。科室地址:甘肃省中医院陇中正骨医院18楼、19楼。The International Medical Department of LongZhong orthopedic hospital in Gansu Provincial Hospital of TCM is the secondary department .With the overall strength of ascension and the advancement of the construction work for "the road and belt ",in order to meet the demand of different levels of medical services from all society fields , the special wards are set up. International medical department aims at providing high-quality medical services, with market demand as the guidance, for the purpose of better culture medical service .The implementation of hospitalization, inspection, treatment, rehabilitation are integrated for domestic and foreign patients with high-end medical services. the personal staff level of International Medical Department is distinct, the existing staff including Gansu province chief physician, supervisor of postgraduate, 1 chief physician , 1 associate chief physician , 4 senior attending physicians,5 medicine masters ,12 professional nursing staff.The department is dedicated to providing patients with special care services and specialists services, expert surgery, rehabilitation ,health care, health consultation, health and medicine, cultural transformation.The international medical department has independent outpatient service and wards, providing warm and comfortable service facilities. Relying on the first-class medical resources and advanced management philosophy of the hospital in longzhong hospital of Gansu province, we pro-vide the best quality of medical service for the patients. The hospital environment is elegant, all kinds of medical treatment, rehabilitation facilities are well supplied; TCM health care equipment is complete, abilities of medical personnel are strong. Each room is equipped with independent bathroom, TV, sofa, refrigerator, broadband, telephone, etc., up to the level of star hotel. International medical department implements the "one-stop" integrated service, patients without waiting for, first entry of hospital, first check.we provide the best quality service, the most profession all treatment, we promise, "" meet once, service forever."Department address: 18th floor, 19th floor, Longzhong orthopedic hospital, Gansu Provincial Hospital of TCM 。
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