- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
一、 不育不孕与男科特色
6、精量过少或过多:精液量≤1 ml或≥6~8ml。
二 、颈肩腰腿痛特色
三、 疑难杂症特色
电子邮箱E-mail: drchendong@yahoo.com.cn
Department of New Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy
The Department of New Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy of Jinan University possess the characteristic of creativity and inheritance of traditional medicine, focusing on andrological diseases, spinal nervous dieases and male, female infertility. The department was established in 1981 by leading expert Professor Wang Yizhi who is a well-known pioneer in new medicine and needle-pricking therapy within the country and abroad. His department has a high reputation inChinaandSoutheast Asia. The Department of New Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy keeps on its commitment in clinical teaching and scientific research in the last 20 years. 138 pieces of literatures was published in key journals and 39 articles was publish in various magazines and newspapers.
The Department of New Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy was awarded “Characteristic Specialist Department of the hospital of2002”. The department has a unique way in diagnosing and treating infertility, neck back pain, sciatica and male diseases, particularly in male infertility and lumbar disc herniation (LDH). The department is the earliest specialist department in developing treatment of infertility and lumbar disc herniation in the country. Since 2002 and the following years the department hosted 6 times of training classes of state-level programs on extension studies of Chinese Medicine. In the same year the research “Clinical research on the treatment of male infertility and abnormal sperms by needle-pricking therapy” was appointed as the specific scientific research of “Management and promotion of clinical diagnosis and treatment techniques of Chinese medicine” of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of PRC. The research was approved by the state and promoted throughout the country as “2009 National hundred TCM clinically-appropriate technologies”. In 2007 the “Treatment of infertility by Chen’s needle-pricking therapy” was appointed as the promotion programme by National Chinese Medicine Science andTechnologyExchangeCenter. The department offers good treatment effect, all-round development of new therapies. As a result, the department gained good reputation every year and also in peripheral areas even amongSoutheast Asia.
Subject Leaders
Director/Professor Chen Dong: Turtor of master-degree postgraduate students, Vice Chairman of Association of External Therapy of Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine; Vice Chairman of Association of Integratice Medicine and Andrology of Guangdong Province; Manager of Preparatory Group of Association of Integrative Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy of Guangdong Province; editor of Journal of Special Clinical Medicine and Chinese Journal of Clincal Rehabililation. Director Chen Dong has been managing the department till now since Professor Wang went abroad at the end of 1988.
Professor Cheng Dong has been following his Grandfather Chen Zuhe (granted as “Famous Doctor in Chinese Medicine” by Ministry of Health of Central Government in 1951) to practise medicine and gained experience. He was graduated from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and continued postgraduate studies inJinanUniversity. He has been under guidance from specialist in urology and andrology Professor Ma Yongjiang (National Grade-I Professor), Wang Yixin, Xu Fusong and Professor Wang Yizhi. He made an academic visit to Center of Reproductive Medicine of Department of Medicine atUniversityofTorontoin August 2001. He hosted and participated in a number of national, provincial and bureau-level scientific research projects, achieved 1 national invention patent. Winner of 2002 National Continuing Medical Education Programs. He has published 108 pieces of literatures in core medical journals and published textbooks including “Treatment of Infertility by Integrative Medicine”, “Clinical Andrology”, “Q&A of Sexual Medicine”, “Andrology”, “Sexual Medicine”, “Basic Clinical Andrology” and ect up to 9 titles. He was given inscription by NPC Standing Committee Wu Jieping “Development of national medicine for the benefit of future generations”. He is the pioneer in hosting elective courses including “New Medicine”, “Sexual Medicine” and “Clinical Andrology” among universities ofChinaand Major elective courses ofInternationalSchool. He is also lecturer of numerous classes of Master and Doctorate-degree courses.
Subject Characteristics
The The Department of New Medicine and Needle-Pricking Therapy is a fostered specialist department of the hospital, its range of service includes:
I. Andrology and infertility
1. Male infertility (classified according to the 1993 WHO diagnostic map of male infertility)
i. Sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction (functional ED), anejaculation (retrograde ejaculation), premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission
ii. Abnormalities of seminal plasma: abnormal semen liquefaction (delayed semen liquefaction, no liquefaction), deficiency of trance elements in seminal plasma or reduced Zn, Se, etc, abnormal pH value
iii. Varicocele: Io Varicocele, treatment after high ligation of varicocele
iv. Idiopathic oligospermia and asthenospermia: sperm count <20 million/ml, sperm motility <= 50%, sperm activity <= Grade II (by 5-grade system)
v. Idiopathic sperm deformity: Sperm deformity rate => 20%
vi. Hypospermia, hyperspermia: Sperm count <= 1ml or => 6-8ml
vii. Infection of adnexa: acute and chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, genital mycoplasmal and chlamydial infection, hematospermia.
viii. Endocrine diseases: endocrine infertility, idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), hyperprolactinemia
ix. Sperm autoagglutination: related to immunal infertility
x. Unexplained infertility
xi. Iatrogenic disease
xii. Immunal infertility: Serum anti-sperm antibodies (AsAB), seminal plasma antibodies.
2. Female infertility
i. Functional anovulation: follicle aplasia or hypoplasia (no dominant follicle).
ii. Endocrine infertility: hyperprolactinemia, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis.
iii. Inflammation of genital tract: vaginitis, adnexitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and tubal adhesions.
iv. Non-gonococcal urethritis: genital mycoplasml and chlamydial infection
v. Habitual abortion: luteal phase defect
vi. Immunal infertility: serum anti-sperm antibodies (AsAb), cervical mucus antibodies
The department posses the most advanced Computer Automated Sperm Analysis (CASA), B&W Ultrasound diagnostic system, SG-89Amicrowave therapy system, PW-multifunction ultrasound therapy system, independent andrology, veneral disease research laboratory and professional senior examiners. The detection and screening of infertilit and andrology is at a highly advanced level both within and outside the province. The department has established research partnership with theCenterofReproductiive Medicineof Department of Medicine atUniversityofToronoto, and National Institute of TCM ofCanada, both in the field of reproductive health and infertility. Mutual visits are carried out in discussion of Western and TCM integrated treatment in infertility and health research in twin and multiple pregnancy.
II. Neck, shoulder, leg and lower back painIn combination of New Medicine and Bone-setting manipulation, the Chen’s Needle-Pricking Therapy is capable of treating the following diseases:
1. Neck, shoulder and lower back pain
2. Stiff neck
3. Neurovascular headache
4. retrocervical vertebral joint disorder
5. Cervical spondylosis (6 types)
6. Omarthritis
7. Tennis elbow
8. Thoracic vertebral micro-joint disturbance syndrome
9. Chest and back pain
10. Intercostal neuralgia
11. Spinal compression fractures
12. Lower back pain
13. Sciatica
14. Lumber disc herniation
15. Neural damage of renal cortex
16. Ankylosing spondylitis
17. Spondylolisthesis
18. Piriformis Injury Syndrome
19. Knee Pain
20. Foot and ankle soft tissue injuries
21. Osteoporosis
22. Sacral hiatus
III. Rare illnessEpilepsy; depression; pseudo-myopia, hemorrhoids, sties, gall cecidium, pediatric malnutrition
New Research Fields of Needle-Pricking Therapy
1. Creative theories: Integration of modern medicine, neural anatomy, skin and visceral-related theories and theory of segmental distribution of the skin with Chinese medicine self-regulatory system of brain cortex and specific points according to nerve stimulation points as the basis, continued to develop and innovate constantly
2. Highlighting the overall concept of “treating the disease in the reason”: based on spinal medicine and principles of treatment of the spine by needle-pricking, “離點不離經” is suggested. It offers greater freedom in operating clinical treatment and higher efficacy and standardization in making prescriptions and faster treatment effect.
3. “Magical treatment effect”: Patients who have completed treatment for 3-6 months realize most from the treatment benefir. Patients will start to feel improvement after 1-3 courses of treatment. The treatment effect will become prominent after the whole course of therapy and the patient name it “magical effect”. It actually reflected the overall concept of Chinese medicine and the essence of dialectical therapy and also the results of simultaneous treatment of symptom and reason.
The Chen’s Needle-pricking therapy developed by Professor Chen Dong is creative, innovative, safe, effective and toxin-free, it incremented the principles of New Medicine which suggest “Combination of theory, method, presciption and point”.
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