- 医生简介:
开展了系列的科研工作,参与国家自然科学基金2项、教育部基金1项;主持省级科研课题2项及校级课题2项。率先从地理环境医学入手,针对西部高发肿瘤进行研究,在肺癌的基础和临床研究方面取得了丰硕成果。长期致力于肺癌分子标记物筛选、鉴定及蛋白质组学、生物信息学和分子免疫学研究。尤其在肺癌早期诊断方面取得丰厚工作积累及多项创造性贡献。从细胞、组织、分子等多层面入手对肺癌的发病机制、诊断与预后进行系列了研究。应用蛋白质组学技术鉴定出系列肺癌差异蛋白,并率先对Decorin、P57、Hsp90β、stathmin和annexin A1等分子进行了深入的信号及功能分析;筛选出系列肺癌候选标记物并提出了对肺癌诊断与预后具有临床价值的诊断模式。
2011年获得甘肃省科技进步奖三等奖1项(应用蛋白质组学技术进行肺癌早期诊断标志物的筛选、鉴定及功能研究)。2013年获得陕西省科技进步奖二等奖1项(HMGA2在肺癌患者中的表达及其临床意义)。2017年获得陕西省教育厅科技进步奖三等奖1项(应用蛋白组学技术验证肺癌诊断及分子分型标志物及其询证医学研究:主持人)。在肺癌分子标记物筛选及蛋白质组学、生物信息学和循证医学方面取得丰厚工作积累及多项创造性贡献。以第一作者身份发表学术论文40余篇,其中被国际著名检索机构SCI收录的学术论文26篇(单篇SCI收录论文被引用超过100余次,累计被引用超过500余次)。参编人民卫生出版社出版的《肺癌的个体化诊疗》1部。目前担任《Proceedings of Anticancer Research》、《CPQ Pulmonology》、《Clinics of Oncology》及 《Annals of Clinical Case Studies》等多个国际知名学术刊物的特邀编委并受邀20余种SCI收录学术刊物的特约审稿专家。
1. Biaoxue R, Liu Y, Li M, Fu T, Gao W, Liu H: Correlation of serum levels of HIF-1alpha and IL-19 with the disease progression of COPD: a retrospective study. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2018, 13:3791-3803.
2. Biaoxue R, Min L, Tian F, Wenlong G, Hua L: Elevated Hsp90-beta contributes to differential diagnosis of pleural effusion caused by lung cancer and correlates with malignant biological behavior of lung cancer. BMC Pulm Med 2018, 18(1):188.
3. Li M, Hu R, Liu X, Tao S, Biaoxue R: Post-discharge extended care contributes to the disease control of patients with COPD: a Chinese study. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2018, 13:4005-4013.
4. Biaoxue R, Shuanying Y: Tissue or blood: which is more suitable for detection of EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer? Int J Biol Markers 2018, 33(1):40-48.
5. Biaoxue R, Shuangying Y: Molecular mechanism and targeted therapy of Hsp90 involved in lung cancer: New discoveries and developments (Review). Int J Oncol 2018, 52(2):321-336.
6. Biaoxue R, Yandong N, Hua L, Wenlong G: Increased stathmin correlates with advanced stage and poor survival of non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers 2017, 19(1):35-43.
7. Biaoxue R, Hua L, Tian F, Wenlong G: Increased stathmin in serum as a potential tumor marker for lung adenocarcinoma. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2017, 47(4):342-349.
8. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Hua L, Tian F, Wenlong G: Increased level of annexin A1 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as a potential diagnostic indicator for lung cancer. Int J Biol Markers 2017, 32(1):e132-e140.
9. Biaoxue R, Hua L, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Efficacy and safety of icotinib in treating non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic evaluation and meta-analysis based on 15 studies. Oncotarget 2016, 7(52):86902-86913.
10. Biaoxue R, Hui P, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Evaluation of efficacy and safety for recombinant human adenovirus-p53 in the control of the malignant pleural effusions via thoracic perfusion. Sci Rep 2016, 6:39355.
11. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Hua L, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Thoracic perfusion of recombinant human endostatin (Endostar) combined with chemotherapeutic agents versus chemotherapeutic agents alone for treating malignant pleural effusions: a systematic evaluation and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer 2016, 16(1):888.
12. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Hua L, Tian F, Wenlong G, Chongchong Z, Yurong L: Increased level of Hsp90-beta in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid correlates with lymphatic invasion and advanced stage of lung cancer patients. Am J Transl Res 2016, 8(10):4147-4159.
13. Biaoxue R, Hua L, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Increased serum amyloid A as potential diagnostic marker for lung cancer: a meta-analysis based on nine studies. BMC Cancer 2016, 16(1):836.
14. Biaoxue R, Hua L, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Overexpression of stathmin promotes metastasis and growth of malignant solid tumors: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget 2016, 7(48):78994-79007.
15. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Hua L, Shuanying Y: Stathmin-dependent molecular targeting therapy for malignant tumor: the latest 5 years' discoveries and developments. J Transl Med 2016, 14(1):279.
16. Biaoxue R, Chongchong Z, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Matrine promotes the efficacy and safety of platinum-based doublet chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 2015, 8(9):14701-14717.
17. Biaoxue R, Shuxia M, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Thoracic perfusion of matrine as an adjuvant treatment improves the control of the malignant pleural effusions. World J Surg Oncol 2015, 13:329.
18. Biaoxue R, Shuanying Y, Wei L, Zongjuan M, Xiguang C, Qiuhong Z: Co-overexpression of Hsp90-beta and annexin A1 with a significantly positive correlation contributes to the diagnosis of lung cancer. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2014, 14(8):1067-1079.
19. Biaoxue R, Chongchong Z, Hua L, Zongjuan M, Xiguang C, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Elevated serum annexin A1 as potential diagnostic marker for lung cancer: a retrospective case-control study. American journal of translational research 2014, 6(5):558-569.
20. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Shuanying Y: Annexin A1 in malignant tumors: current opinions and controversies. Int J Biol Markers 2014, 29(1):e8-20.
21. Biaoxue R, Chongchong Z, Hua L, Zongjuan M, Xiguang C, Wenlong G, Shuanying Y: Identification and verification of Hsp90-beta as a potential serum biomarker for lung cancer. American journal of cancer research 2014, 4(6):874-885.
22. Biaoxue R, Shuanying Y, Wei L, Wei Z, Zongjuan M: Maintenance therapy of gefitinib for non-small-cell lung cancer after first-line chemotherapy regardless of epidermal growth factor receptor mutation: a review in Chinese patients. Curr Med Res Opin 2012, 28(10):1699-1708.
23. Biaoxue R, Xiling J, Shuanying Y, Wei Z, Xiguang C, Jinsui W, Min Z: Upregulation of Hsp90-beta and annexin A1 correlates with poor survival and lymphatic metastasis in lung cancer patients. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2012, 31:70.
24. Biaoxue R, Shuanying Y, Xiguang C, Wei Z, Wei L: Differential diagnostic CYFRA 21-1 level for benign and malignant pleural effusions: a meta-analysis in the Chinese population. Arch Med Sci 2012, 8(5):756-766.
25. Biaoxue R, Shuanying Y, Wei L, Wei Z, Zongjuan M: Systematic review and meta-analysis of Endostar (rh-endostatin) combined with chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for treating advanced non-small cell lung cancer. World journal of surgical oncology 2012, 10:170.
26. Biaoxue R, Xiguang C, Hua L, Hui M, Shuanying Y, Wei Z, Wenli S, Jie D: Decreased expression of decorin and p57(KIP2) correlates with poor survival and lymphatic metastasis in lung cancer patients. Int J Biol Markers 2011, 26(1):9-21.
27. Biao-xue R, Xi-guang C, Shuan-ying Y, Wei L, Zong-juan M: EphA2-dependent molecular targeting therapy for malignant tumors. Curr Cancer Drug Targets 2011, 11(9):1082-1097.
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