- 医生擅长:
- 医生简介:
- 荣誉成就:
- 论文发表:
1. Zhang, H.-J., X.-S. Mi*, and K.-F. So*, Normal tension glaucoma: from the brain to the eye or the inverse. Neural Regeneration Research, 2019. 14(11): p. 1845-1850.2. Mi, X.-S. and K.-F. So, Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides improves visual function and mediates reaction of retinal glial cells in acute ocular hypertensive mice. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2018. 59(9).3. Mi, X.-S., et al., Effects of Lycium barbarum on Modulation of Blood Vessel and Hemodynamics. Lycium Barbarum and Human Health., ed. R.C.-C. Chang and K.-F. So. 2015: Springer.4. Huang R, Liang S, Fang L, Wu M, Cheng H, Mi X*, Ding Y*. Low-dose minocycline mediated neuroprotection on retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury of mice. Mol Vis. 2018; 24: 367–378.5. Mi XS, Yuan TF, Zhong JX, Ding Y, So KF*. Choosing preclinical study models of diabetic retinopathy: Key problems for consideration. Drug Design, Development & Therapy. 2014. Nov 18;8:2311-2319. 6. Mi XS, Yuan TF, So KF*. The current research status of normal tension glaucoma. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 Sep 16; 9:1563-1571. 7. Mi XS, Zhong JX, Chang RC, So KF*. Research advances on the usage of traditional Chinese medicine for neuroprotection in glaucoma. J Integr Med. 2013 Jul;11(4):233-40.8. Mi XS, Van G, Leung JW, Chiu K, Lo ACY, Chang RCC, Chung SK, So KF*. Effect of Lycium barbarum Polysaccharides on the expression of endothelin-1 and its receptors in an ocular hypertension model of rat glaucoma. Neural Regeneration Research. 2012,7(9): 645-651.9. Mi XS, Zhang X, Feng Q, Lo AC, Chung SK*, So KF*. Progressive retinal degeneration in transgenic mice with overexpression of endothelin-1 in vascular endothelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2012,53(8):4842-51.10.Mi XS, Feng Q, Lo AC, Chang RC, Lin B, Chung SK, So KF*. Protection of retinal ganglion cells and retinal vasculature by lycium barbarum polysaccharides in a mouse model of acute ocular hypertension. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e45469.(邀請撰稿) 蘇國輝,米雪松。中藥材枸杞子藥食同源的機理. 生命科學.第27卷第8期,1070-1075.(邀請撰稿) 米雪松, 趙培泉. 世界各國ROP篩查概況。中國實用眼科誌,2006,24(9):879-882. 張莉,米雪松,李雯霖,張越驪,鐘暉,王莉. 先天性上斜肌麻痹手術治療的年齡探討.國際眼科雜誌, 2006,6 (6): 1476-1477.張莉,王莉,李雯霖,張越驪,鐘暉,米雪松.額肌瓣懸吊術治療兒童先天性上瞼下垂的適宜的年齡探討.眼外傷職業眼病雜誌.2007,29(2): 122-123.張莉,吳進,王莉,鐘暉,張越驪,米雪松,李雯霖.中西醫結合治療兒童眼肌型重症肌無力76例.深圳中西醫結合雜誌.2007,17(3):173-176.參與編譯《神經眼科速查手冊》(第7版) 魏世輝, 鐘敬祥主譯,人民軍醫出版社, 出版時間2015-09-01。參與編寫眼科學書籍: 《視路疾病基礎與臨床進展》。主編:童繹 魏世輝遊思維。人民衛生出版社。2010年6月。參與編寫眼科學書籍: 《眼科查房手冊》第二版。主編:朱承華。江蘇科學技術出版社。2017年。
- 社会任职:
- 科研项目:
1. 青光眼发病机制与视神经保护。2. 干眼病和功能性溢泪的研究。3. 眼整复手术技术的创新与改良。4. 视觉的康复训练与脑功能的相关研究。
[ 出诊 ] 指仅提供出诊信息,暂无线上预约挂号,可到医院挂号处挂号。
[ 预约 ] 指可提供线上预约挂号,选择合适时间段预约成功后,可到线下就诊。
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