- 医生擅长:
- 医生简介:
- 荣誉成就:
2004年参加在美国举办的世界胃肠动力大会,并获得由美国动力协会(AMS)颁发的"青年研究奖"(Young Investigate Award)。
- 论文发表:
在国内外各类专业杂志发表文章二十余篇,其中在国外主要发表的文章有《Effects of two-channel Gastric Electrical Stimulation with pulses Train on Gastric Slow Wave and Gastric Emptying in dogs》(Scan J Gastroentrology);《Gastric Electrical Stimulation to Accelerate Gastric Emptying of Solids: How Many Channels are the Best? 》(Gastroenterology);《Effects of Multi-channel Gastric Electrical Stimulation with Long Pulses on Gastric Emptying》(Digestive Diseases and Sciences);《Two-channel Gastric Electrical Stimulation Accelerates Delayed Gastric Emptying Induced by Vasopressin.》(Digestive Diseases and Sciences);《Treatment of Gastric Dysrhythmia and Emesis with Gastric Electrical Stimulation: What is the Optimal Parameter Setting?》(Gastroenterology).
[ 出诊 ] 指仅提供出诊信息,暂无线上预约挂号,可到医院挂号处挂号。
[ 预约 ] 指可提供线上预约挂号,选择合适时间段预约成功后,可到线下就诊。
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