- 医生擅长:
- 医生简介:
医疗特长:擅长白内障超声乳化摘除术及人工晶体植入术、抗青光眼手术等显微手术;擅长上睑下垂矫正术、眼睑内外翻矫正术、眼睑肿物切除术及重建。从事眼科工作20多年,熟悉眼科常见眼病的诊断及治疗,熟悉与全身病相关眼病的诊断及治疗,擅长各类白内障超声乳化摘除术及人工晶体植入术、抗青光眼手术等显微手术;熟悉眼睑解剖,擅长上睑下垂矫正术、眼睑内外翻矫正术、眼睑肿物切除及重建术等眼睑手术。研究方向:白内障,眼睑整形眼视光主要教育和工作经历:? 1988.9-1993.6 郑州大学医学院本科? 2000.9-2003.6 中山大学附属第一医院眼科硕士研究生? 2009.9-2012.6中山大学中山眼科中心博士研究生? 1993.7-2000.8新乡医学院第一附属医院眼科住院医师/主治医师? 2003.7-至今中山大学附属第一医院眼科主治医师/副主任医师社会兼职:广东省医师协会眼科学分会委员广东省医院协会眼健康管理专业委员论著:? LijunHuo,Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Zhenya Gao, Klaus Trier, Junwen Zeng. All-trans retinoic acid modulates mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation in human scleral fibroblasts through retinoic acid receptor beta. Mol Vision, 2013; 19:1795-803.? LijunHuo, Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Ruiduan Liao, Klaus Trier, Junwen Zeng. A retrospective study: form deprivation myopia in unilateral congenital ptosis. Clin Exp Optom, 2012; 95: 404–409.? Zhenya Gao,LijunHuo, Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Junwen Zeng. Distribution of bone morphogenetic protein receptors in human sclera fibroblasts cultured in vitro and human sclera. Int J Ophthalmol,2012;5(6):661-666.? HaohuiNie, LijunHuo, Xiao Yang, Zhenya Gao, Junwen Zeng, Klaus Trier, Dongmei Cui. Effects of 7-Methylxanthine on Form-deprivation Myopia in Pigmented Rabbits. Int J Ophthalmol,2012;5(4):133-137.? Xinmei Wang, DongmeiCui,Ling Zhen, Xiao Yang, LijunHuo, Xing Liu, Junwen Zeng. Characteristics of the Macula in Amblyopic Eyes by Optical Coherence Tomography. Int J Ophthalmol,2012 ;5(4):172-176.LijunHuo,Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, et al. Etiology and treatment of post-surgical blepharoptosis. Eye science.2013;28(3): 134~139.霍丽君,廖瑞端等,陈雪梅.Wilson病的眼部表现中华眼科杂志2008,44(2):138-130.霍丽君,马翠萍,陈雪梅等.伴有尿毒症的青光眼患者的治疗中国临床实用医学 2008,2(9)霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅.眼睑重叠综合征的诊断和治疗中国实用眼科杂志2006,23(9):991-992.霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅等.干燥综合征与非干燥综合征干眼临床诊断的比较研究中国实用眼科杂志2005;23(4):368-371.霍丽君,廖瑞端,刘祖国.干燥综合征中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志2004,4(7):262-264.霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅等.累及眼部的Stevens-Johnson综合症(附22例分析)中国实用眼科杂志2002,20(9):694. 专著:眼科疾病诊断与治疗方案 2011.10 科技出版社参与基金:参与多项国家级及省级基金
- 论文发表:
代表性论著: ?Lijun Huo,Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Zhenya Gao, Klaus Trier, Junwen Zeng. All-trans retinoic acid modulates mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation in human scleral fibroblasts through retinoic acid receptor beta. Mol Vision, 2013; 19:1795-803. ?Lijun Huo, Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Ruiduan Liao, Klaus Trier, Junwen Zeng. A retrospective study: form deprivation myopia in unilateral congenital ptosis. Clin Exp Optom, 2012; 95: 404–409. ?Lijun Huo,Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, et al. Etiology and treatment of post-surgical blepharoptosis. Eye science.2013;28(3): 134~139. ?Zhenya Gao,Lijun Huo, Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Wenjuan Wan, Junwen Zeng. Distribution of bone morphogenetic protein receptors in human sclera fibroblasts cultured in vitro and human sclera. Int J Ophthalmol,2012;5(6):661-666. ?Haohui Nie, Lijun Huo, Xiao Yang, Zhenya Gao, Junwen Zeng, Klaus Trier, Dongmei Cui. Effects of 7-Methylxanthine on Form-deprivation Myopia in Pigmented Rabbits. Int J Ophthalmol,2012;5(4):133-137. ?Xinmei Wang, DongmeiCui,Ling Zhen, Xiao Yang, Lijun Huo, Xing Liu, Junwen Zeng. Characteristics of the Macula in Amblyopic Eyes by Optical Coherence Tomography. Int J Ophthalmol,2012 ;5(4):172-176. ?霍丽君,廖瑞端等,陈雪梅.Wilson病的眼部表现中华眼科杂志2008,44(2):138-130. ?霍丽君,马翠萍,陈雪梅等.伴有尿毒症的青光眼患者的治疗中国临床实用医学 2008,2(9) ?霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅.眼睑重叠综合征的诊断和治疗 中国实用眼科杂志2006,23(9):991-992. ?霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅等.干燥综合征与非干燥综合征干眼临床诊断的比较研究中国实用眼科杂志2005;23(4):368-371. ?霍丽君,廖瑞端,刘祖国.干燥综合征中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志2004,4(7):262-264. ?霍丽君,廖瑞端,陈雪梅等.累及眼部的Stevens-Johnson综合症(附22例分析)中国实用眼科杂志2002,20(9):694. 专著:眼科疾病诊断与治疗方案 2011.10 科技出版社 参与基金:参与多项国家级及省级基金y。
- 社会任职:
广东省医师协会眼科学分会委员,广东省医院协会眼健康管理专业委员 。
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