- 医生擅长:
- 医生简介:
医疗特长:多年来致力于肺癌、食管癌、胸腺瘤、重症肌无力等以外科为主的多学科综合治疗和转化性研究。擅长上述多个病种的规范化诊治及微创手术治疗。熟练完成纯腔镜下微创肺癌根治术,食管癌三切口根治术,NUSS手术等。善于挑战胸外科的高难手术,如之前成功完成的胸第一肋动脉瘤样骨囊肿得到国际同行的好评并在胸外科国际一流期刊ATS发表,成功完成89岁高龄的食管癌根治术并获得较好疗效,在我科率先开展了肺癌袖式切除术,气管切除重建等。研究方向:近年来致力于肺癌、食管癌、胸腺瘤、重症肌无力等以外科为主的多学科综合治疗和转化性研究。目前主持包括三项国家自然基金在内的多项科研项目经费逾200万,近几年在Oncotarget, Molecular pharmacology therapeutics, ATS等杂志发表20余篇SCI论文。主要教育和工作经历:教育经历:1992-1997,中山医科大学临床专业本科毕业,获学士学位;1997-1999,中山大学附一院外科七年制硕士毕业,获外科硕士学位;2002-2005,中山大学肿瘤学博士毕业,获博士学位;工作经历:2001年获聘主治医生2007年晋升副教授2009年任胸外科副主任,主管科室科研教学工作2013-2014赴美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院进修学习。与多个美国顶尖胸外科中心进行多次学术交流与合作社会兼职:兼任广东省医学会胸外科中青委副主委,广东省胸部肿瘤防治研究会副主任委员,广东省医疗行业协会胸外科分会副主任委员,广东省肺癌中青年专业委员会常委,中国抗癌协会会员,国际胸外科协会会员,国际肺癌专业委员会会员等,国家自然科学基金评审专家。是胸外科国际一流期刊ATS,MP,Cell transplantation,WJS等多个权威杂志特邀审稿人。论著: 1.Zhen-guo Liu, Shiyuan Yao, Qian Zhou,Zhensheng Deng, Jianyong Zou, Huiyu Feng, Hua Zhu, Chao Cheng.Predictors ofextubation outcomes following myasthenic crisis.Journal of InternationalMedical Research .2016 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]2.Liu Z, Lai Y, Yao S, Feng H, Zou J, LiuW, Lei Y, Zhu H, Cheng C. World J Surg. Clinical Outcomes of Thymectomy inMyasthenia Gravis Patients with a History of Crisis. 2016 Jun 16. [Epub aheadof print].3.Junmou Hong; Zhenguo Liu; Hua zhu; XinZhang; Yongju Liang ;Shiyuan Yao; Fang Wang; Xiaoyun xie; Bo Zhang; Tao Tan;Liwu Fu; Jing Nie;Chao Cheng.The Tumor Suppressive Role of NUMB isoform 1 inEsophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oncotarget 2014 jul 30;5(14):5602-14. 4.Lai YR,Hong JM,Deng ZS,Yeung SC,*Cheng C.Bilateral pulmonary ateryaneurysms, coronary atery aneurysm, and ventricular pseudoaneurysm inBehcet disease. Ann vasc surg, 28(3), pp 741.e7-e741, 2013/10/245.Chao Cheng, Zhen-guo Liu , Zhang H, XieJD, Chen XG, Zhao XQ, Wang F, Liang YJ, Chen LK, Singh S, Chen JJ, Talele TT,Chen ZS, Zhong FT, Fu LW.Enhancing chemosensitivity in ABCB1- and ABCG2-Overexpressing Cells andCancer StemLike Cells by An AuroraKinase Inhibitor CCT129202. Mol Pharmaceutics.2012, 9 (7),1971–1982 6.Cheng C,Liu Z, Xu F, Deng Z,Feng H, Lei Y, Zou J, Yeung SC. Clinical outcome of juvenile myasthenia gravisafter extended transsternal thymectomy in a chinese cohort. Ann Thorac Surg.2013 Mar;95(3):1035-41. 7.Liu Z, Feng H, Yeung SC, Zheng Z, Liu W,Ma J, Zhong FT, Luo H, Cheng C. Extendedtranssternal thymectomy for the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Ann ThoracSurg 2011; 92: 1993-9 8.Can-qiao Luo, Sai-Ching J. Yeung,Zhen-guo Liu, Jun Meng, Fo-tian Zhong, Chao Cheng. Pulmonarywell-differentiated Fetal Adenocarcinoma with Platelet-Derived Growth FactorReceptor (PDGFR)α Expression. Cancer biol ther. 2012 ,1(14):1384-9. 9.Cheng C, Wu G, Yeung SC, Li R, Bella AE,Pang J, Zhong FT, Luo H, Jin Y, Pan J. Serum Protein Profiles in MyastheniaGravis. Annal of thoracic surgery. 2009, 88(4):1118-23. 10.Cheng C, Yeung SC, Zhong FT, Xiong Y,Luo HH, Ji S, Pan J.The aneurysmal bone cyst in the first rib: report of twocases. Annal of thoracic surgery. 2008,85(6):2118-2120. 11.Cheng Chao, Amos Ela Bella, Guo Ai-lin,Wu Guo-yong. Detection of PRL-2 GeneExpression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Real-time Fluorescence QuantitativePCR. J ournal of Chinese –German clinical Oncology. 2009,8(4):210-213.12.Pan J, Cheng C, Verstovsek S, Chen Q,Jin Y, Cao Q. The BH3-mimetic GX15-070 induces autophagy, potentiates thecytotoxicity of carboplatin and 5-fluorouracil in esophageal carcinomacells.Cancer letter,2010, 293(2):167-74.13.Wen-jing zhou,Xu Zhang,Chao Cheng,FangWang,Xiao-kun Wang,Yong-ju Liang, Li-wu Fu.Crizotinib(PF-02341066) reversesmultidrug resistance in cancer cells by inhibiting the function of P-glycoprotein.Brit J Pharmacol.2012Jul;166(5):1669-83. 14.Shi X, Jin Y, Cheng C, Zhang H, Zou W,Zheng Q, Lu Z, Chen Q, Lai Y, Pan J. Triptolide inhibits Bcr-Abltranscription and inducesapoptosis in STI571-resistant chronicmyelogenous leukemia cells harboring T315I mutation . Clinical Cancer Research.2009,15(5):1686-97. 15.Pan J, Song E, Cheng C, Lee MH, YeungSC. Farnesyltransferase inhibitors-induced autophagy. Autophagy 2009, 5(1):129-131. 16.Wu GY, Pang JZ, Cheng C, Lu JJ, Ma J, GuY, Zhong FT, Luo HH. Prognosis of the short-term efficacy of thymectomy formyasthenia gravis with serum proteinprofiles. Chin Med J (Engl). 2009 ,122(14):1625-30. 17.Jin Y, Chen Q, Shi X, Lu Z, Cheng C, LaiY, Zheng Q, Pan J. Activity ofTriptolide against human mast cells harboring the kinase domain mutantKIT. Cancer Science.2009,100(7):1335-43. 18.Lin S, Liu K, Wu W, Chen C, Wang Z,Zhang X. Study on Pretreatment of FPS-1 in Rats with HepaticIschemia-Reperfusion Injury. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2009;37(2)323 – 337. 19.Zhiwei Xu; Shiqing Lin; Wu weikang;Hongmei Tan; Zhi Wang; Chao Cheng; Lihe Lu; Xuanhong Zhang.Growth hormonereleasing peptide (ghrelin) inhibits doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity throughmitochondria mediated pathways. Toxicology.2008;21:247(2-3):133-138. 专著:1.《肿瘤磁感应治疗》,唐劲天主编,人民卫生出版社,2009年5 月。热刺激对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用章节。148-158,约1 万字。参编2.《外科病理生理学》,谭基明主编,人民卫生出版社,2009年2 月。免疫与外科疾病章节。598-623,约2.63万字。参编3.《自噬-生物学与疾病》,秦正红、乐卫东主编,科学出版社,2010年3月。自噬与异常蛋白折叠章节。116-134,约1.45万字。参编4.《临床诊断与治疗方案》分册,王深明主编,科学技术文献出版社,胸心血管外科疾病临床诊断与治疗方案多个章节,2010年,约5.7万字。参编 5.《细支气管肺泡癌》,吴一龙主审,人民卫生出版社,细支气管肺泡癌的分子靶向治疗,2009年1月,131-149,约1.51万字,参编其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):抗击非典荣获抗击非典“三等功”,“抗击非典先进个人”玉树抗震救灾全国抗震救灾英雄集体,广东青年五四奖章集体
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