- 医生擅长:
脑血管病、 帕金森病 、神经痛等神经科疾病
- 医生简介:
现任职中山大学附属第三医院神经病学科研究员,博士生导师。1995年毕业于湖南医科大学临床医学系,同年毕业分配于中山医科大学附属第三医院。1997年9月起于中山医科大学攻读神经内科硕士学位(指导老师边连防主任医师),2000年6月获神经内科医学硕士学位,2001年因获得新加坡国家奖学金前往新加坡国立大学医学院(FACULTY OF MEDICINE,NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE)攻读医学博士学位并于2006初获得博士学位,其间主要从事他汀类药物对中枢多巴胺系统及帕金森氏病的影响。2005年初王青获得新加坡神经内科医生执照并在新加坡国大医院(NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL)神经内科从事临床医生工作。2005底,王青研究员受美国斯坦福大学医学院(STANFORD UNIVERSITY)神经研究所邀请前往从事博士后研究,主要研究课题为Pyruvate 对缺血性脑中风的影响及其免疫的反映应机制。2007年,王青移至澳洲卧龙岗大学(UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG)医学院从事帕金森氏病及精神认知方面的研究并直接指导研究生及荣誉学位学生。在国外其间,王青主要从事帕金森病,脑血管病及认知方面的研究,并在脑血管病、帕金森病、头痛等神经科疾病有较多临床经验及心得
1.FRC科研项目: 卧龙岗大学医学院,第一申请人,2008-2009,
2.FRC科研项目: 卧龙岗大学医学院,第一申请人,2007-2008,
4.National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)科研项目:澳洲国家健康及医学研究委员会,第一申请人,2008-2012,
5.HGF/VEGF基因修饰骨髓间充质干细胞移植治疗心肌梗死的实验研究. 2007年广东省科技计划项目 2007B050200011 (第二负责人)
6.弥散张量成像对腔隙性脑梗死后认知障碍的预测作用. 2007年广东省科技计划项目 2007B031509001 (第二负责人)
1.Yinghua Yu, Qing Wang, Xufeng Huang (2009). Energy restricted pari-feeding normalizes low levels of BDNF/TrkB mRNA expression in the hippocampus, but not VMH, in diet-induced obese mice. Neuroscience. In press
2.* Qing Wang, Ayse Zengin,Chao Deng,Yun Li, Kelly A Newell,Guo-Yuan Yang, Ying Lu, Einar P.Wilder-Smith,Heng Zhao, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). High dose of simvastatin induces hyperlocomotive and anxiolytic -like activities: the association with the up-regulation of NMDA receptors in the rat brain. Experimental Neurology. 216(1):132-8
3.Weiliang Xia, Zheng Wang, Qing Wang, Cuiping Zhao, Yunyi Hong, Jin Han, Lili Zeng, Le Tang, Weihai Ying (2008). Roles of NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH in cell death. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 15(1):12-9.
4.* Qing Wang, Ayse Zengin, Weihai Ying, Kelly A Newell, Penghua Wang, Wilf Yeo, Peter T Wong, Midori A Yenari, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). Chronic treatment with simvastatin upregulates muscarinic M1/4 receptor binding in the rat brain. Neuroscience.154(3):1100-6.(被选为当期刊的杂志封面图案)
5.Yinghua Yu, Tim South, Qing Wang, Xufeng Huang (2008). Differential expression of hypothalamic CART mRNA in response to body weight change following different dietary interventions. Neurochemistry International. 52(8):1422-30.
6.Xufeng Huang, Tim South, Deng Chao, Qing Wang (2008). Ventromedial hypothalamic NPY Y2 receptor in the maintenance of body weight in diet-induced obesity in mice. Neurochemical Research. 33(9):1881-8.
7.* Qing Wang, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). Effects of chronic treatment of olanzapine and haloperidol on peptide YY binding desities in the rat brain. Experimental Neurology. 209(1):261-7.
8.Xu-Feng Huang, Yean Yeow Tan, Xin Huang, Qing Wang*. Effect of chronic treatment with clozapine and haloperidol on5-HT2A and 2C receptor mRNA expression in the rat brain. Neuroscience Research 59 (3): 314–321.
9.Xiannan Tang, Qing Wang, Maya Koike, Danye Cheng, Michael L Goris, Francis G Blankenberg, Midori A. Yenari (2007). Monitoring the protective effects of minocycline treatment with radiolabeled annexin V in an experimental model of focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48(11):1822-8.
10.Guangwei Wei, Dongmin Wang, Huafei Lu, Sophie Parmentier, Qing Wang, S. Scott Panter, William H. Frey, Weihai Ying (2007). Intranasal administration of a PARG inhibitor profoundly decreases ischemic brain injury. Frontiers in Bioscience 12, 4986-4996.
11.Qing Wang, Xian Nan Tang, Midori A. Yenari. (2007). The inflammatory response in stroke. J Neuroimmunology 184(1-2):53-68.
12.* Qing Wang, Kannan T Aravinda, Erle C Lim, Yiong H Chan, Chao Deng, Xu-Feng Huang, Einar P Wilder-Smith (2007). A static handgrip method for distal quantitative sweat measurements. Neuroscience Letters 421(3): 229-233.
13.Weihai Ying, Guangwei Wei, Dongmin Wang , Qing Wang, Xiannan Tang, Jian Shi, Peng Zhang, Huafei Lu (2007). Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia Frontiers in Bioscience 12, 2728-2734.
14.Xiannan Tang, Qing Wang, Xu LJ, Midori A. Yenari (2007). Blood-brain barrier disruption is related to NADPH oxidase in experimental stroke. Stroke 38 (2): 555-555
15.*Qing Wang, Xian Nan Tang, Wang Lingzhi, Midori A. Yenari, Weihai Ying, Goh BC, Lee HS, Wilder-Smith EP, Peter T-H Wong (2006). Effects of high dose of simvastatin on levels of dopamine and its reuptake in prefrontal cortex and striatum among SD rats. Neuroscience letters 408(3):189-93.
16.Qing Wang, Wee Lee Ting, Hongyuan Yang and Peter T-H Wong (2005). High doses of simvastatin up-regulate dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the rat prefrontal cortex: possible involvement of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. British Journal of Pharmacology 144(7): 933-9.
17.Qing Wang, Wang PH, McLachlan C, Wong P. T.-H (2005) Simvastatin reverses the downregulation of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the prefrontal cortex of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced Parkinsonian rats. Brain Research 1045 (1-2), 229-233.
18.Farook JM, Qing Wang, Moochhala SM, Zhu ZY, Lee L, Wong PT (2004) Distinct regions of periaqueductal gray (PAG) are involved in freezing behavior hooded PVG rats on the cat-freezing test apparatus. Neuroscience letters 354(2), 139-142.
19.Farook JM, Zhu YZ, Qing Wang, Moochhala SM, Lee L, Wong PT (2004) Analysis of strain difference in behavior to Cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor mediated drugs in PVG hooded and Sprague–Dawley rats using elevated plus-maze test apparatus. Neuroscience letters 358 (3), 215-219.
20.Qing Wang, Zhu YZ, Steven MC, Ting WL, Yang HY, Wong PTH (2005). The HMG-COA reductase inhibitor, simvastatin up-regulates the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors expression in the frontal cortex among 6-hydroxy dopamine- lesioned rat. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 87, 229-30.
21.Qing Wang, Wong PT (2004). Concurrent up-regulation of eNOS and dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the rat frontal cortex after simvastatin treatment. Journal of Neurochemistry 88: 77-77 Suppl.
22.Qing Wang, Chen XH, Wu AM, Bian LF (2001). The mechanism about hyperglycemia aggravating the hypoxic neurons and the protection of flunarizine. (Hunan Yi Xue, 2001 Jan, Chinese)
*: 通讯作者
1.Qing Wang (通讯作者), Kelly A Newell, Peter T-H Wong, Ying Lu. 章节名: Prefrontal cortex: its roles in cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease revealed by PET. 书名:Prefrontal Cortex: Roles, Interventions and Traumas (2008). 主编: Prof. Frank Columbus. 出版社: Nova Science Publishers.
2. Xiannan Tang, Qing Wang, Midori A. Yenari. 章节名: Immunological mechanisms in ischemic stroke. 书名:Role of the immune system on neurodegenerative diseases (2008). 主编: Prof. Antonio Ibarra. 出版社: Research Signpost. ISBN: 978-81-308-0261-9
3.书名:New Frontier in Neurological Research. ISBN: 978-81-308-0284-8. 主编: Dr. Qing Wang, Weihai Ying (加州大学旧金山分校). 出版社:Research Signpost, 2009。此书是由本人与美国加州大学旧金山分校的Ying 教授受Research Signpost特别邀请编写的一本书籍,书名为:神经病学研究前沿。在本书中,王青邀请了分别来自耶鲁大学医学院,澳洲卧龙岗大学医学院,中山医科大学,加州大学医学院,新加坡国立大学医学院, 威斯康星州立大学医学院,美国Buck老年病研究所等数十位知名教授参与本书的编写。此书将会收录在澳洲卧龙岗大学医学院及上海交通大学(医学院)图书馆。
参加的国际会议, 大会发言及获得的奖项:
4.2006年10月,在美国亚特兰大举行的世界神经科学年会上,脑中风的论文被发表在Press Book上。全球有4万人参加此次大会,仅3份关于脑中风的论文被Press Book收录。
5.2004年2月4—7日, 在香港会展中心举行的第6届亚太地区神经化学年会上荣获旅行奖。
美国神经科学会终身会员(Regular member)
“Neurology International ” 杂志编委(Editor)
“Frontiers in Bioscience” 杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neurobiology of Disease”杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neuroscience Letters”杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neural Regeneration Research”杂志特邀审稿评委
- 荣誉成就:
4.2006年10月,在美国亚特兰大举行的世界神经科学年会上,脑中风的论文被发表在Press Book上。全球有4万人参加此次大会,仅3份关于脑中风的论文被Press Book收录。
5.2004年2月4—7日, 在香港会展中心举行的第6届亚太地区神经化学年会上荣获旅行奖。
- 论文发表:
1.Yinghua Yu, Qing Wang, Xufeng Huang (2009). Energy restricted pari-feeding normalizes low levels of BDNF/TrkB mRNA expression in the hippocampus, but not VMH, in diet-induced obese mice. Neuroscience. In press
2.* Qing Wang, Ayse Zengin,Chao Deng,Yun Li, Kelly A Newell,Guo-Yuan Yang, Ying Lu, Einar P.Wilder-Smith,Heng Zhao, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). High dose of simvastatin induces hyperlocomotive and anxiolytic -like activities: the association with the up-regulation of NMDA receptors in the rat brain. Experimental Neurology. 216(1):132-8
3.Weiliang Xia, Zheng Wang, Qing Wang, Cuiping Zhao, Yunyi Hong, Jin Han, Lili Zeng, Le Tang, Weihai Ying (2008). Roles of NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH in cell death. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 15(1):12-9.
4.* Qing Wang, Ayse Zengin, Weihai Ying, Kelly A Newell, Penghua Wang, Wilf Yeo, Peter T Wong, Midori A Yenari, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). Chronic treatment with simvastatin upregulates muscarinic M1/4 receptor binding in the rat brain. Neuroscience.154(3):1100-6.(被选为当期刊的杂志封面图案)
5.Yinghua Yu, Tim South, Qing Wang, Xufeng Huang (2008). Differential expression of hypothalamic CART mRNA in response to body weight change following different dietary interventions. Neurochemistry International. 52(8):1422-30.
6.Xufeng Huang, Tim South, Deng Chao, Qing Wang (2008). Ventromedial hypothalamic NPY Y2 receptor in the maintenance of body weight in diet-induced obesity in mice. Neurochemical Research. 33(9):1881-8.
7.* Qing Wang, Xu-Feng Huang (2008). Effects of chronic treatment of olanzapine and haloperidol on peptide YY binding desities in the rat brain. Experimental Neurology. 209(1):261-7.
8.Xu-Feng Huang, Yean Yeow Tan, Xin Huang, Qing Wang*. Effect of chronic treatment with clozapine and haloperidol on5-HT2A and 2C receptor mRNA expression in the rat brain. Neuroscience Research 59 (3): 314–321.
9.Xiannan Tang, Qing Wang, Maya Koike, Danye Cheng, Michael L Goris, Francis G Blankenberg, Midori A. Yenari (2007). Monitoring the protective effects of minocycline treatment with radiolabeled annexin V in an experimental model of focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48(11):1822-8.
10.Guangwei Wei, Dongmin Wang, Huafei Lu, Sophie Parmentier, Qing Wang, S. Scott Panter, William H. Frey, Weihai Ying (2007). Intranasal administration of a PARG inhibitor profoundly decreases ischemic brain injury. Frontiers in Bioscience 12, 4986-4996.
11.Qing Wang, Xian Nan Tang, Midori A. Yenari. (2007). The inflammatory response in stroke. J Neuroimmunology 184(1-2):53-68.
12.* Qing Wang, Kannan T Aravinda, Erle C Lim, Yiong H Chan, Chao Deng, Xu-Feng Huang, Einar P Wilder-Smith (2007). A static handgrip method for distal quantitative sweat measurements. Neuroscience Letters 421(3): 229-233.
13.Weihai Ying, Guangwei Wei, Dongmin Wang , Qing Wang, Xiannan Tang, Jian Shi, Peng Zhang, Huafei Lu (2007). Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia Frontiers in Bioscience 12, 2728-2734.
14.Xiannan Tang, Qing Wang, Xu LJ, Midori A. Yenari (2007). Blood-brain barrier disruption is related to NADPH oxidase in experimental stroke. Stroke 38 (2): 555-555
15.*Qing Wang, Xian Nan Tang, Wang Lingzhi, Midori A. Yenari, Weihai Ying, Goh BC, Lee HS, Wilder-Smith EP, Peter T-H Wong (2006). Effects of high dose of simvastatin on levels of dopamine and its reuptake in prefrontal cortex and striatum among SD rats. Neuroscience letters 408(3):189-93.
16.Qing Wang, Wee Lee Ting, Hongyuan Yang and Peter T-H Wong (2005). High doses of simvastatin up-regulate dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the rat prefrontal cortex: possible involvement of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. British Journal of Pharmacology 144(7): 933-9.
17.Qing Wang, Wang PH, McLachlan C, Wong P. T.-H (2005) Simvastatin reverses the downregulation of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the prefrontal cortex of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced Parkinsonian rats. Brain Research 1045 (1-2), 229-233.
18.Farook JM, Qing Wang, Moochhala SM, Zhu ZY, Lee L, Wong PT (2004) Distinct regions of periaqueductal gray (PAG) are involved in freezing behavior hooded PVG rats on the cat-freezing test apparatus. Neuroscience letters 354(2), 139-142.
19.Farook JM, Zhu YZ, Qing Wang, Moochhala SM, Lee L, Wong PT (2004) Analysis of strain difference in behavior to Cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor mediated drugs in PVG hooded and Sprague–Dawley rats using elevated plus-maze test apparatus. Neuroscience letters 358 (3), 215-219.
20.Qing Wang, Zhu YZ, Steven MC, Ting WL, Yang HY, Wong PTH (2005). The HMG-COA reductase inhibitor, simvastatin up-regulates the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors expression in the frontal cortex among 6-hydroxy dopamine- lesioned rat. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 87, 229-30.
21.Qing Wang, Wong PT (2004). Concurrent up-regulation of eNOS and dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression in the rat frontal cortex after simvastatin treatment. Journal of Neurochemistry 88: 77-77 Suppl.
22.Qing Wang, Chen XH, Wu AM, Bian LF (2001). The mechanism about hyperglycemia aggravating the hypoxic neurons and the protection of flunarizine. (Hunan Yi Xue, 2001 Jan, Chinese)
- 社会任职:
美国神经科学会终身会员(Regular member)
“Neurology International ” 杂志编委(Editor)
“Frontiers in Bioscience” 杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neurobiology of Disease”杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neuroscience Letters”杂志特邀审稿评委
“Neural Regeneration Research”杂志特邀审稿评委
- 科研项目:
1.FRC科研项目: 卧龙岗大学医学院,第一申请人,2008-2009,
2.FRC科研项目: 卧龙岗大学医学院,第一申请人,2007-2008,
4.National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)科研项目:澳洲国家健康及医学研究委员会,第一申请人,2008-2012,
5.HGF/VEGF基因修饰骨髓间充质干细胞移植治疗心肌梗死的实验研究. 2007年广东省科技计划项目 2007B050200011 (第二负责人)
6.弥散张量成像对腔隙性脑梗死后认知障碍的预测作用. 2007年广东省科技计划项目 2007B031509001 (第二负责人)
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