- 医生擅长:
银屑病、皮肤医学美容、痤疮、过敏性皮肤病及皮肤常见疾病等诊疗。①全面部皮肤年轻化治疗(皮秒激光、果酸、水光、射频治疗等)。②肉毒毒素注射纠正眉间纹、额纹、眼角纹、咬肌肥大、腋下多汗症等。③激光治疗色素增加性疾病,包括太田痣、雀斑、脂溢性角化、黄褐斑、颧部褐青色痣等;激光治疗血管性疾病,包括血管瘤、鲜红斑痣、毛细血管扩张等。④果酸换肤治疗痤疮、痘痕;点阵激光治疗痘痕。⑤激光脱毛。⑥白癜风308nm准分子激光治疗。⑦光动力治疗重度痤疮。⑧面部炎症性疾病,包括脂溢性皮炎、玫瑰痤疮等的治疗。⑨银屑病的外用药物、光疗、系统性治疗。⑩其它常见皮肤病的治疗过敏性疾病、皮炎湿疹等。Diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis, acne, allergic skin diseases and other common skin diseases. ① Total skin rejuvenation treatment (picosecond laser, glycolic acid, water injection, radiofrequency, etc.) ② Botulinum toxin injection to treat glabellar frown lines, forehead lines, crow's feet, masseter hypertrophy and axillary hyperhidrosis. ③ Laser treatment of pigmented diseases, including nevus of Ota, freckles, seborrheic keratosis, melasma, Hori naevi, etc.; laser treatment of vascular diseases, including hemangioma, port-wine stain, telangiectasia, etc. ④ Glycolic acid peeling for the treatment of acne and pockmarks; fractional laser for the treatment of pockmarks. ⑤ Laser hair removal. ⑥ Treatment of vitiligo with 308-nm excimer laser. ⑦ Photodynamic therapy for severe acne. ⑧ Facial inflammatory diseases, including seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, etc. ⑨ Topical drug therapy, phototherapy and systemic treatment of psoriasis. ⑩ Treatment of other common skin diseases, including allergic diseases, dermatitis and eczema, etc.
- 医生简介:
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[ 预约 ] 指可提供线上预约挂号,选择合适时间段预约成功后,可到线下就诊。
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