- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
治疗方式 包括:①开展住院患儿治疗;
评定方法 包括:①粗大运动功能评定及分级;②脊柱电子测量;③肢体功能评定
治疗技术 包括:①被动牵伸和肌力强化训练;②呼吸训练;③平衡、协调及本体感觉训练; ④矫 正姿势训练;⑤步态矫正训练及步行辅助器具训练;⑥神经生理学疗法(Bobath和Vojta 疗法);⑦认知运动疗法;⑧简易辅助具制作和评定;⑨多感官刺激训练;⑩生物反馈自行车训练
Introduction to Paediatric Physical Therapy Department
This is the department of physical therapy which will provide clinical treatment, teaching and research, owning various kind of advanced equipment for rehabilitation therapy in domestic and internationally and also have a group of high-quality, skilled and enthusiasm professional staffs. There are totally 14 staffs, among them, 2 senior physiotherapists, 4 received master degrees and internationally certification from the University of Hong Kong Polytechnic, International Japan welfare and Oslo university of Norway respectively. In addition, we also have the role of teaching and clinical placement for the undergraduate student of Capital Medical University and the various training course of rehabilitation treatment through the country.
The conditions we mainly focus on: the children with physically disabled from the birth to 18 years of age. The condition mainly include: cerebral palsy,spinal cord injury,traumatic brain injury,autism,mental retardation,muscular dystrophy,clubfoot deformity, and some sports related injuries and conditions. Our service philosophy is based on the children as the center, quality as the core, to the satisfaction of the parent’s peace of mind. Treat every sick child and parents, so that they get professional and effective treatment and feel the warmth of home with our love and sense of responsibility.
Treatment Techniques and Services include but are not limited to
The format of services include: ①physical therapy for in-patient; ②physical therapy for out-patient; ③parents guiding education; ④group training
Assessment scales include: ①gross motor functional movement and it’s classification; ②spinal evaluation; ③upper and lower limb functional evaluation
Treatment techniques include: ①Passive stretching & muscle strengthening exercise; ②Breathing exercise;③Balance/coordination & proprioceptive training; ④Posture alignment training;⑤Gait training & walking assistive devices training; ⑥Neurophysiological & neurodevelopmental therapy (Bobath & Vojta); ⑦Cognitive & therapeutic exercise; ⑧Simple aid making & assessment; ⑨Multi-sensory stimulation training; ⑩Biofeedback bike training
Advanced equipment & apparatus include but are not limited to
Include: ①Somatosensory interactive cognitive training system;②Biofeedback bike
training system; ③Multi-sensory stimulation environment; ④Upper limb ROM training system; ⑤Quadriceps training system; ⑥Tecnobody balance training system; ⑦Robotic assisted & partial body support treadmill training; ⑧3D posture control training system
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