- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
The staff of Oral Treatment Center contains a total of 17 people, including 1 chief physician, 1 deputy chief physicians, 4 attending physicians, 4 resident physicians, 1 technologist-in-charge, 1 technologist, and 3 nurses-in-charge,2 nurses. Among them there are 8 doctors with a master’s degree, which shows great experience of our staff.
Currently the center possesses 13 US-imported treatment chairs. According to the characteristics of high percentage of disabled sufferer, one chair specially made for the disabled is presented for the patients’ convenient. We also own a German-imported digital panoramic and dental machine, which has clear and fast imagining. And the painless periodontal disease treatment instrument, endometer, hot guttapercha guillotine operation,colorimeter and other international advanced equipments can provides high quality service for the patients at the same time.
Now the oral treatment center has developed department of oral medicine, oral surgery, prosthetics and orthodontics. The department of oral medicine mainly focus in treatment of dental pulp disease, periodontal diseases and oral mucosal diseases. The department of oral surgery is specialized in treatment of extraction of teeth, painless dental, alveoloplasty, maxillofacial trauma suture and temporomandibular diseases. The department of prosthetics is in charge of porcelain fused to metai crown, full denture, removable partial denture, attachment denture, teeth beauty, and so on. The department of orthodontics carry out treatment for adolescent and adult malocclusion , and other new projects such as dental implant, painless periodontal treatment Niti rotary instrument enlargement and restoration of full ceramic crown, et al.
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