- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
目前科室拥有国际先进蔡司全自动视野计、蔡司相干光学断层扫描仪(OCT)、蔡司手术显微镜;美国ALCON Inifinite超声乳化仪和AMO Compact白星超声乳化仪;美国PNT青光眼无创治疗仪;日本TOMMY角膜地形图、佳能非接触眼压计、TOPCON电脑验光仪、KOWA眼底荧光血管造影仪;电生理检查仪;眼科A/B超声诊断仪,以及屈光检查和各种低视力康复矫正、训练仪等先进设备。
The ophthalmology department in Boai Hospital is specialized in clinical diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of eye diseases, which are mainly represented by cataract phacoemulsification surgery and low vision rehabilitation. The cataract therapy center established in our department was held in 2000, which was among the earliest in the southern Beijing to conduct cataract phacoemulsification surgery by experienced cataract experts. Furthermore, the ophthalmology department in Boai Hospital is designated to rehabilitating low vision patients by Beijing Federation of the disabled. Experienced low vision specialists provide services to the patients.
The department is equipped with a number of hi-tech equipments to facilitate special eye examinations for the patients, and the equipments include Zeiss Humphrey Automated Perimeter, Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT and KOWA Digital Fundus Fluorescein Angiography etc.. ALCON INIFINITY Phaco Emulsifiers and AMO COMPACT Phaco Emulsifiers are used for cataract surgery. Zeiss surgical microscope is used for eye microsureries. There are some low vision-aiding services to provide low vision rehabilitations.
Our department is mainly focused on clinical diagnosis and therapy of extraocular diseases, cornea and ocular surface disorders, cataract, glaucoma and fundus diseases.
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