- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
更多科室特色:2005年引进变应原检测系统,除筛查普通变应原外,还可确认药物变应原,特别在合并用药的药物变应原确认方面有着独到的经验,并取得良好的临床效果。皮肤性病科现有许多门诊治疗项目,基本满足各类型皮肤疾病的治疗需要。除冷冻、微波和超脉冲CO2激光等基本治疗手段外,还引进了点阵激光仪、YAG激光器、光子嫩肤仪PUVA/UVB和308 nm点阵激光的引进等设备,为银屑病、白癜风、重度痤疮瘢痕等临床上较为难治的疾病提供了多种手段。使用特殊专利高压注射器局部封闭治疗外伤、感染及手术后肥厚性瘢痕疙瘩。近两年又开展了光动力治疗,为降低尖锐湿疣复发率、治疗中重度痤疮和浅表皮肤肿瘤等方面取得了良好的临床效果。急慢性溃疡和带状疱疹及其后遗症的综合治疗更是我科治疗强项。The noninvasive detection system of allergen: Screening normal allergens, affirming drug allergens especially in combined using.The department has its original experiences and good clinical efficacy.Besides routine treatments, the department also introduced a lot of advanced technologies. Noninvasive detection of allergen has not only given the patient their life guidance, but also assisted other departments patients find the root cause of the disease and helped them using medicines safely. Local blocking of keloids using patented high-pressure syringe has improved clinical efficacy of the patients after operation. Photodynamic therapy has solved the problem of the relapse of condyloma acuminatum at special parts in a manner. Accurate element laser has given a brand new treatment of localized psoriasis and vitiligo. Fractional laser significantly improved the efficacy of patients with moderate to severe facial acne scar depressions left.The treatments of herpes zoster, sequelae of herpes zoster and other ulcerous diseases are the strength of the department.
Founded in 1984, the department of Dermatology and Venereology is gradually expanding the scale. Now there are 12 doctors including:1 chief physician,3 associate chief physicians, 5 attending doctors, 3 resident doctors, 2 nurses in charge. The department has neat technology, better treatment programs and a higher overall level of clinical care. With the development of the hospital, the department outpatient and emergency amounts have been growing yearly. The number is more than 70 thousand in 2013.
After years of development, the diagnosis and treatments of common skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases have reached a good level. The characteristics of the department include allergen detection, diagnosis and treatment of herpes zoster, sequelae of herpes zoster and other chronic diseases, diagnosis of cardiovascular syphilis and others.
Most of the staff have more than 10 years experience. The nurses have more than 30 years experience. There are more than 80 patients being treated in the department every day. The spare less efforts of generation after generation and the good cooperation ensure the higher overall level of medical services and a good reputation over the years in patients.
The department has implemented a "people-oriented" service and academic philosophy, focusing on technology and develop effective treatment methods. Taking the lead in using semiconductor laser therapy has significantly reduced pain in patients with herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia, also accelerated chronic, intractable ulcer healing.
Noninvasive detection of allergen has not only given the patient their life guidance, but also assisted other departments patients find the root cause of the disease and helped them using medicines safely. Local blocking of keloids using patented high-pressure syringe has improved clinical efficacy of the patients after operation. Photodynamic therapy has solved the problem of the relapse of condyloma acuminatum at special parts in a manner. Accurate element laser has given a brand new treatment of localized psoriasis and vitiligo. Fractional laser significantly improved the efficacy of patients with moderate to severe facial acne scar depressions left.
The department focus on improving the research capabilities besides the clinical work. There are some projects on studies of the mechanism of psoriasis and metabolic skin diseases.
More than 10 papers and 1 research supported by Beijing natural science foundation.
Advanced collective of Prevention and control of diseases
sina microblog: @安贞医院皮肤科
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