- 科室成员:
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更多科室特色:妇科开展多种腹腔镜操作技术,包括妇科良性肿瘤、早期恶性肿瘤腹腔镜下淋巴清扫术等。我科积累了大量的卵巢癌、子宫内膜癌、宫颈癌的治疗经验,在应用腹腔镜等微创方法治疗早期子宫内膜癌、宫颈癌以及年轻妇科恶性肿瘤患者保留生育功能等方面做了大量工作。Novasure(三维双极射频子宫内膜去除术)是我科2011年开展的治疗功能失调性子宫出血的新技术,此项技术一次完成,手术时间短,并发症少,术后疼痛轻,麻醉简单,现已完成该项手术百余例,患者术后生活质量改善显著,满意度高。产科于2007年成为北京市妊娠合并心脏病孕产妇转会诊中心、北京市朝阳区危重孕产妇转会诊中心。近年来,成功救治十几例妊娠合并原发性肺动脉高压(重度)患者,该病例平均死亡率50-80%,我院现该病种死亡率控制在30%以内;曾成功救治妊娠合并严重心脏瓣膜疾病的孕妇,在剖宫产手术同时实施开胸瓣膜手术;孕中晚期严重心衰孕妇,在多学科合作下行心脏手术,保留胎儿,最终母儿平安。计划生育科:尤其擅长应用宫腔镜、腹腔镜等妇科微创手术处理疑难计划生育并发症,如宫内节育器嵌顿、断裂、异位的处理,高危的人工流产术,宫角妊娠,子宫瘢痕部位妊娠等2011年新门诊楼手术室启用,我科拥有具有层流消毒设备的门诊手术室,设施先进。每日由妇产科专家、麻醉医师及护士组成的工作团队,进行无痛宫腔镜、计划生育等手术,可在超声监测下进行,安全可靠。术后为患者提供现代舒适的休息室,让患者在温馨的环境中享受到热情周到的服务。Gynecology: We have carried out a variety of gynecological laparoscopic operation, including gynecological benign tumor operations, pelvic lymphadenectomy of early gynecological malignant tumor,operations for preserving fertility function in young patients with gynecologic malignant tumors, and so on. In 2011, we carried out a new technology named Novasure which is used to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This technology can cure the patient in once time with a short operation time, less complications, less postoperative pain, and correspondingly quicker recovery.Obstetrics: In 2007, we became the Beijing transfer and consultation center for maternal women complicated with heart disease, severe maternal transfer and consultation center of Chaoyang district. In recent years, we have saved successful more than a dozen of cases of pregnancy with primary severe pulmonary hypertension. The average mortality of primary severe pulmonary hypertension is 50-80%, but in our hospital, it’s below 30%. We achieved great success in rescue one case of pregnancy complicated with severe aortic valve stenosis. The Obstetricians did cesarean section, at the same time the Cardiothoracic surgeons took a thoracotomy and valve repair operation. Pregnant women with severe heart failure in late pregnancy, heart surgery is successed with multidisciplinary cooperation, retained fetus, mother and children ultimately peace.Family planning: We are especially good at treating difficult complications of family planning operations by hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, such as IUD incarceration, IUD fracture, and heterotopic IUD. We also handle high-risk abortion, cornual pregnancy and CSP.We promote painless hysteroscopy operation and painless induced abortion in our independent outpatient operation rooms after the completion of the new outpatient building in 2011. Our department has with laminar flow outpatient operating room disinfection equipment.The team by the obstetrics and gynecology specialists, anesthesiologists and nurses ,take the painless hysteroscopy, family planning surgery, the patient offers modern and comfortable lounge, so that patients enjoy the warm and welcoming environment in attentive service.
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Beijing An Zhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University was founded on December 1, 1984. With the rapid development of the An Zhen Hospital, we have become an integrated department in vary way including medical care, research, and education. At present, with comprehensive technologies and excellent services,we can deal with all kinds of major operations and cure acute, critical and rare cases, specially accumulate rich experiences in the operations of laparoscopic, hysteroscopy, colposcopy. Over the years, minimally invasive surgical treatment is a characteristic of our department. Since 1997, we have completed totally more than 10000 cases of endoscopic operations. In 2007, we became the Beijing transfer and consultation center for maternal women complicated with heart disease, severe maternal transfer and consultation center of Chaoyang district. We established the rescue team which is in charge of the director of our hospital and opened the Severe Maternal Rescue Easy Access, 24 hours standby. Specially in 2013, we have treated 87 severe maternities successful. No one died unavoidably. Our department has possessed the leading position International in pregnancy complicated with heart disease. Nowadays our department features in the area of gynecological minimally invasive operation and endoscopic operations, at the same time we have possessed the leading positions domestically in gynecological malignant tumor operation, chemotherapy, Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and treatment of High Risk Obstetrics. Our department is welcomed by patients because of our personalized treatment, humanized principle, and good team cooperation ability between cure and nurse.
Now we have 80 beds including Gynecological and obstetrical bed. Our department is staffed by 29 physicians, Master's degree or above 60%,and Senior accounted for 30%. We have both experienced professors, ang vibrant young physician. We strive for excellence medical mission to provide quality services, mutual respect between doctors and patients.
As an authorization center for Master's degree of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Capital Medical University, we have trained more than 40 postgraduates, more than 20 of them were graduated. As a gynecologic endoscopy training base designated by the Ministry of Health, we have trained about 600 endoscopists from all over the country and recruit more than 10 advanced doctors each year. As an Obstetrics and Gynecology residency training base of Beijing,we train several resident physicians every year. We also pay great attention to cultivating young physicians. In the tense situation, we still send on job physicians to study abroad.
We also undertake research of key projects of national and provincial level. In recent years,we have completed more than 20 projects. Now 7 researches are on-going. We have published SCI、series of Chinese Journal articles.
1997年,我科以克氏针代替进口设备开展了国内首例妇科无气腹腹腔镜手术。此后,我科设计并与我院器材科共同研制了无气腹腹壁提拉装置。自2000年以来,成功主办了“中国-澳大利亚-亚太地区微创论坛”、“中-日腹壁悬吊式免气腹腹腔镜学术会议” “北京五洲心血管病研讨会妇产科分会暨妊娠合并心脏病的管理与诊治研讨会”等国际、国内研讨会20余次。
In 1997, we carried out the first gynecological gasless laparoscopic operation with Kirschner wire instead of imported equipment in China. After that, we designed the lifting device with Equipment department. Since 2000, we have successfully hosted international and national conferences for more than 20 times, such as "Chinese - Australia - Asia Pacific Forum for Minimally Invasive Surgery", "China-Japan Gasless Laparoscopy New Advancement Conference ", "Five-Continent International Symposium on Cardiovascular Diseases Obstetrics and Gynecology Session- Seminar on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pregnancy Associated with Cardiac Disease”.
主任医师 教授
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
主任医师 教授
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
主任医师 教授
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
擅长:长期从事妇产科临床,积累了诊疗妇产科各种疾病的丰富经验, 特别是擅长妇科内分泌疾病、宫颈疾病、感染性疾病的诊断和 治疗。
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
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