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科室特色:骨髓增殖性肿瘤的主要发病及死亡原因是血管并发症,尤其是心脑血管并发症。借助安贞医院丰富的心血管疾病资源,我们对骨髓增殖性肿瘤伴血管并发症的患者进行基础和临床研究。 2) 血栓性疾病研究及抗凝、抗血小板治疗的监测指导 血液科在血小板、凝血及抗凝方面的基础知识和实验研究,可为接受抗凝、抗血小板治疗的心血管疾病、介入治疗及血栓性疾病患者提供规范的治疗监测指导,减少再栓或出血风险。 3)血小板活化检测 与心肺研究所合作,对接受抗血小板治疗的患者服药前后的血小板活化状态进行动态检测。 1) Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) Major morbidity and mortality associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms is cardio- or cerebrovascular complications. We have done some basic and clinical research in patients wit…
更多科室特色:骨髓增殖性肿瘤的主要发病及死亡原因是血管并发症,尤其是心脑血管并发症。借助安贞医院丰富的心血管疾病资源,我们对骨髓增殖性肿瘤伴血管并发症的患者进行基础和临床研究。2) 血栓性疾病研究及抗凝、抗血小板治疗的监测指导血液科在血小板、凝血及抗凝方面的基础知识和实验研究,可为接受抗凝、抗血小板治疗的心血管疾病、介入治疗及血栓性疾病患者提供规范的治疗监测指导,减少再栓或出血风险。3)血小板活化检测与心肺研究所合作,对接受抗血小板治疗的患者服药前后的血小板活化状态进行动态检测。1) Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs)Major morbidity and mortality associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms is cardio- or cerebrovascular complications. We have done some basic and clinical research in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. We are interested in the pathogenesis and treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms with vascular complications.2) Thrombotic disease and monitoring and guidance for anticoagulant or anti-platelet therapyOur basic knowledge and experimental research on coagulation and platelet is helpful of guiding anti-thrombotic therapy of patients with cardiovascular disease, thrombotic disease, interventional operation and then reducing the risk of re-thrombosis or hemorrhage.3) Platelet activating function analysisPlatelet activating function analysis can dynamically monitor the activation state of platelet in patients accepted anti-platelet therapy.
科室特色:骨髓增殖性肿瘤的主要发病及死亡原因是血管并发症,尤其是心脑血管并发症。借助安贞医院丰富的心血管疾病资源,我们对骨髓增殖性肿瘤伴血管并发症的患者进行基础和临床研究。 2) 血栓性疾病研究及抗凝、抗血小板治疗的监测指导 血液科在血小板、凝血及抗凝方面的基础知识和实验研究,可为接受抗凝、抗血小板治疗的心血管疾病、介入治疗及血栓性疾病患者提供规范的治疗监测指导,减少再栓或出血风险。 3)血小板活化检测 与心肺研究所合作,对接受抗血小板治疗的患者服药前后的血小板活化状态进行动态检测。 1) Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) Major morbidity and mortality associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms is cardio- or cerebrovascular complications. We have done some basic and clinical research in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. We are interested in the pathogenesis and treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms with vascular complications. 2) Thrombotic disease and monitoring and guidance for anticoagulant or anti-platelet therapy Our basic knowledge and experimental research on coagulation and platelet is helpful of guiding anti-thrombotic therapy of patients with cardiovascular disease, thrombotic disease, interventional operation and then reducing the risk of re-thrombosis or hemorrhage. 3) Platelet activating function analysis Platelet activating function analysis can dynamically monitor the activation state of platelet in patients accepted anti-platelet therapy.
The Department of Hematology of Beijing An Zhen Hospital was a younger team, established in March 2013. We provide routine examination of hematologic diseases such as morphology and pathology of bone marrow , immunophenotype, hemolytic test et al. Malignant hematologic diseases (leukemia and lymphoma, multiple myeloma and so on) have been accurately diagnosed and typed or staged by modern detection technology including flow cytometry, immunefixation electrophoresis, molecular biology and genetic analysis, meanwhile treated by comprehensive treatment including chemotherapy, immunotherapy in our hospital.
Our teams will give the professional diagnosis and treatment for patients with every type of hematological diseases including anemia, pancytopenia, hematological malignancy (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma), thrombotic diseases. Our research is focused on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms especially with thrombosis. Another study direction is anti-thrombotic therapy of thrombotic diseases.
We will offer the best clinical services and the most advanced treatments for all people if you need.
We are responsible for teaching undergraduate clinical and basic theory, and training graduate students and residents of the Capital Medical University. We are supported by the innovative scientific research project of Capital Medical University for undergraduate. We got the president funds of Capital Medical University foundation for teaching reform. We were funded by the Beijing Outstanding Talent project and the National Chinese Medicine Administrative Bureau project.
Tel: 64456774,84005478
科室特色:骨髓增殖性肿瘤的主要发病及死亡原因是血管并发症,尤其是心脑血管并发症。借助安贞医院丰富的心血管疾病资源,我们对骨髓增殖性肿瘤伴血管并发症的患者进行基础和临床研究。 2) 血栓性疾病研究及抗凝、抗血小板治疗的监测指导 血液科在血小板、凝血及抗凝方面的基础知识和实验研究,可为接受抗凝、抗血小板治疗的心血管疾病、介入治疗及血栓性疾病患者提供规范的治疗监测指导,减少再栓或出血风险。 3)血小板活化检测 与心肺研究所合作,对接受抗血小板治疗的患者服药前后的血小板活化状态进行动态检测。 1) Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) Major morbidity and mortality associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms is cardio- or cerebrovascular complications. We have done some basic and clinical research in patients wit…
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
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