- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
28病区是国家级重点学科、首都医科大学心脏病学系和首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心内科病区之一,定编床位40张,承担心内科各种疾病的诊断治疗和抢救工作,以及全国各地疑难病症的会诊任务。科室秉承“公、勤、严、廉”院训,以“诚意正心,至善其内”为行为规范,积极开拓进取,经过多年努力已培养造就一支纪律严明、作风过硬、技术精湛的心血管专家队伍。全科副主任医师及以上职称者12人,博士学位14人,有海外进修学习和留学经历者20人。科室每年收治全国各地大量心血管病急危重症患者,对各种类型冠心病、心律失常、心力衰竭、心肌病和高血压病等有比较独特的治疗办法。每年完成经皮冠状动脉介入治疗1 500例,心律失常射频消融150例,永久起搏器置入100例(近半数CRT或ICD)。均为全国各地转诊而来的复杂病例。科室主任柳景华,副主任程姝娟、朱小玲…
更多科室特色:针对左主干病变、分叉病变、慢性闭塞病变、钙化病变、桥血管病变等冠状动脉复杂病变,熟练掌握以血管内超声、光学相干断层成像、压力导丝、旋磨、远端保护装置等先进辅助设备,提高了复杂冠心病介入治疗的成功率及近远期效果。在我科植入的永久起搏器中有近半数为CRT(-D)或ICD,挽救了很多心力衰竭和致命性室性心律失常患者的生命,提高了患者生存质量。2013年04月份我科成功植入国内首例远程监测CRT-D,2013年12月份使用的四级电极属国内领先。With the support of IVUS, OCT, FFR, Rotablator, Distal protection devices, we could get better results of complex lesions, such as left main disease, bifurcation disease, CTO disease, severe calcification disease, graft disease, etc.Among the pacemaker implantation cases, nearly half of them are CRT(-D) or ICD cases, it saved many lives and enhanced life quality of heart failure and fatal ventricular arrhythmias.
科室每年收治全国各地大量心血管病急危重症患者,对各种类型冠心病、心律失常、心力衰竭、心肌病和高血压病等有比较独特的治疗办法。每年完成经皮冠状动脉介入治疗1 500例,心律失常射频消融150例,永久起搏器置入100例(近半数CRT或ICD)。均为全国各地转诊而来的复杂病例。科室主任柳景华,副主任程姝娟、朱小玲,护士长李芳。
Ward 28 is one of the cardiological wards being part of state-level key discipline, Cardiology Department of Capital Medical University, Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University. With 40 fixed beds, it is designed for diagnoses, treatment and rescue of various cardiological diseases, and group consultation of difficult and complicated diseases nationwide.
With the hospital motto of “impartiality, diligence, strictness and honesty” and the code of conduct which reads “sincerity, uprightness, supreme good”, the Department has been actively forging ahead and has developed one highly disciplined, technically exquisite cardiovascular specialist team with excellent working style through many years of unremitting efforts. The Department has 12 doctors with the title of associate chief physician and above, 14 doctors with doctoral degree and 20 persons who received further education overseas and studied abroad.
Each year the Department receives and cures large number of critical cardiovascular disease patients nationwide, and offers unique therapies for various coronary heart diseases, arrhythmia, heart failure, cardiomyopathy and hypertensive disease etc. The Department treats 1,500 percutaneous coronary intervention cases, 150 arrhythmia radiofrequency ablation cases and 100 permanent pacemaker implantation cases (nearly half involves CRT or ICD ) each year. All are complicated cases referred from various localities nationwide.
科室近5年发表论文共150余篇,SCI 20余篇,参加863、973重大项目各1项,主持国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、北京市教委科技面上项目、首都医学发展科研基金等10余项课题研究。出版专著6部,本科英文教材1部。
As the tutorial unit of intervention training base under the Ministry of Health, it has trained more than 20 technical backbones for cardiovasology nationwide in recent three years. 30 postgraduate students have been studying or successfully graduated within five years. Each year the Department selects and sends two young technical backbones to further study abroad.
In recent five years, the Department has published more than 150 papers, 20 SCI papers, and has participated in one major project under each of 863 Program and 973 Program, and has taken charge of more than 10 research projects under National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, technology program of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and Capital Medical Development Research Foundation etc. It has published six monographs and one English undergraduate textbook.
Ward 28 topped cardiovascular department and leaded all the medical departments in the hospital in the performance examine system. We received dozens of silk banners and commendatory letters.
28病区是国家级重点学科、首都医科大学心脏病学系和首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心内科病区之一,定编床位40张,承担心内科各种疾病的诊断治疗和抢救工作,以及全国各地疑难病症的会诊任务。科室秉承“公、勤、严、廉”院训,以“诚意正心,至善其内”为行为规范,积极开拓进取,经过多年努力已培养造就一支纪律严明、作风过硬、技术精湛的心血管专家队伍。全科副主任医师及以上职称者12人,博士学位14人,有海外进修学习和留学经历者20人。科室每年收治全国各地大量心血管病急危重症患者,对各种类型冠心病、心律失常、心力衰竭、心肌病和高血压病等有比较独特的治疗办法。每年完成经皮冠状动脉介入治疗1 500例,心律失常射频消融150例,永久起搏器置入100例(近半数CRT或ICD)。均为全国各地转诊而来的复杂病例。科室主任柳景华,副主任程姝娟、朱小玲…
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