- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
- 科室特色:心外六科已完成培养心脏外科硕士研究生10余名,每年完成进修医师培训10余名。目前承担国家自然科学基金2项,省部级科研项目4项,总研究经费200余万元。 The 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department has educated more than 10 master degree graduates and 10 doctors for advanced study.It undertake 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China and 4 province scientific study program with the totally 2 million fund. 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心脏中心心外6科成立于2003年,共有床位30张。心外六科共有医护人员35人,医师15人。其中主任医师3名,副主任医师3名,主治医师4名,住院医师5名;硕士研究生导师1名。培养硕士研究生10余名。现任主任董然教授,从事心脏疾病的外科临床与研究治疗工作二十余年,擅长复杂成人先心病及重症瓣膜病的外科治疗,尤其擅长救治危重症冠心病患者和处理复杂冠心病并发症,个人已累计完成心脏外科手术6000余例,是国内著名的心脏外科专家。在董然主任的带领下,心外六科年完成手术1300余例,并逐年保持强劲的增长势头;死亡率始终保持在1%以下。 心外六科承担国家级和省部级项目多项,主要开展冠心病的临床研究、冠脉搭桥术后静脉桥血管再狭窄机制的实验研究等工作。心外六科秉承“以患者为中心”的医疗服务理念,遵循循证治疗指南,采用国际先进的管理模式,吸引众多著名的心脏外科专家来我院研究探讨,建立了国际化的技术交流平台。心外六科在所有医护人员的共同努力下将不断进,为患者提供更加专业、优质的服务。 The 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department of Anzhen hospital,Capital Medical University, was established in 2003 with 30 beds. There are totally 35 medical servicers in the department, including 15 doctors and it is consist of 3 chief doctors,3 vice chief doctors, 4 consultants and 5 residents. With 1 master degree director, more than 10 graduates were educated and graduated.Professor Dong Ran,the chief of the department,who is working on the cardiac surgery and its scientific studies for 20 years, does well in complicated congenital heart diseases and intensive cardiac valve disease, especially the serous coronary diseases and its complications. Professor Dong Ran has totally done more than 6000 cardiac operations and get a great reputation in country. With the direction of Professor Dong Ran, the 6th ward did more than 1300 operations in 2013 . It keeps a rising tend in gradual years with the 1% death rate at most. The 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department undertakes a few of scientific programs both in the country and province. The programs are mainly about clinical studies of coronary diseases, the pathogenisis of re-stenosis of venus drafts after CABG. With the conception of “ Focus on the patients”, the guidelines of evidence based medical,the international advanced administration,the 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department invites many famous cardiac surgery experts together to study and explore,and established a international technology communicational stage.With the hard striving and efforts of the staff, the 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department will provide a better and more professional service to the patients and make a great progress in the future! 心外六科已完成培养心脏外科硕士研究生10余名,每年完成进修医师培训10余名。目前承担国家自然科学基金2项,省部级科研项目4项,总研究经费200余万元。 The 6th ward of Cardiac Surgery Department has educated more than 10 master degree graduates and 10 doctors for advanced study.It undertake 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China and 4 province scientific study program with the totally 2 million fund. 多次荣获院先进集体。 We had won advanced group in AnZhen hospital. 邮箱:anzhenxwk11@163.com
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