- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
更多科室特色:科室在黄连军主任的带领下积极探索,勇攀高峰,开展了多项高难度、国内甚至是国际领先的介入技术:国内首先开展了主动脉缩窄合并症的腔内治疗,避免了传统外科手术带来的创伤,取得了满意的疗效;在国内首先开展了腹主动脉瘤腔内治疗中的“反向烟囱”技术,该项技术明显减少了术后并发症,提高了腹主动脉瘤患者术后的生活质量;在国内较早开展了“开窗”支架治疗腹主动脉瘤技术,良好的治疗效果也令患者和国内同行们推崇备至;胸主动脉疾病杂交技术的开展也实现了复杂疾病治疗简单化的目标,该技术同传统开刀手术相比,做到了减少了手术时间、失血量、住院时间及术后并发症。Under the leadership of director Huang Lianjun, our department vigorously explores and climbs to new heights boldly , carrying out several highly-difficult interventional technologies, which are leading both at home and abroad. The technologies include the initial intracavitary therapy of aortic coarctation complication in China, which avoided trauma from traditional surgical operation and obtained satisfying curative effect; the initially launched reversed chimney technique in intracavitary treatments of abdominal aortic aneurysm, which obviously reduced chances of complications and advanced life quality of patients postoperatively; and the stent fenestration in our hospital for treatment of this disease was an earlier domestic implementation, of which the favorable effects were admired and praised by patients and peers at home. In addition, the hybridization for thoracic aortic aneurysm has realized the aim for simplification in complex diseases treatments, the technology, when compared with traditional operation, may reduce operation duration, bleeding volume, length of stay as well as chances of postoperative complications.
The Department of Intervention of Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University was duly founded on April 1, 2013. The predecessor of the department was the Catheterization Room of Anzhen Hospital, which, established in 1984, was one of the earliest catheterization rooms and has finished most cardiovascular interventional diagnosis and treatment in China. Now, the department has 8 doctors, 32 nurses and 15 medical technicians, among which are 2 chief physicians and associate chief physicians respectively. 20 of staff members have professional titles of intermediate grade and above. The department has 2 doctors, 2 masters, and over 20 of bachelor degree background. Now the department is equipped with three catheter areas, 12 large-scale angiography machines, 4 intravascular ultrasound machines (IVUS), 2 optical coherence tomography imaging systems (OCT), and 2 fractional flow reserve (FFR). Our department provides platforms of cardio angiography and interventional treatment for entire hospital, and conducts such examinations and treatments independently and collaboratively with other departments.
Adhering to the aim of a comprehensive hospital with strong professions, our department focuses on interventional treatment of cardiovascular disease and gives consideration to the same treatment of non-cardiovascular diseases. At present, apart from carrying out all various examinations of cardiovascular diseases, the interventional treatment of adult congenital heart disease is emphasized, including atrial septal defect occlusion, patent ductusarteriosus occlusion, ventricular septal defect occlusion, etc.; the interventional therapy of valvular heart diseases includes aortic stenosis balloon angioplasty, pulmonary stenosis balloon angioplasty and mitral stenosis balloon angioplasty; The intervention therapy of aorta and peripheral vessels includes aortic dissection, intramural hematoma, ulceration, endovascular repair of aorto-arteritis, pseudo aneurysm of aorta, thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm: surgical treatment for complex thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm; the therapy also covers the embolotherapy for respiratory system, alimentary tract and gynecological haemorrhage, malignant tumor chemotherapy and trans arterial chemoembolization. The patient service via green channel of our department is accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The intracavitary therapy for aortic dissection is adopted by our department numerously with various new technologies have been launched, including the double-segment stent implantation, chimney technique and composite treatment. The intracavitary therapies for abdominal aortic aneurysm in short neck and aortic coarctation complication have both achieved excellent results. The improved occlusion of atrial septum may effectively avoid coronary embolism. Our department has completed over 300 intracavitary treatments of macro vascular diseases, over 100 interventional treatments of CHD and dozens of other peripheral interventional treatments annually in 3 sequent years, among which the case number and therapeutic effect for aortic disease treatments have ranked top among the same kind of single-centers in the world.
Our department is undertaking several major scientific research tasks, including NSFC, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Science Foundation for Capital Development, etc. both accomplished and under study. We have obtained three patents for national utility models and two for national technological inventions, brought up a large amount of domestic and foreign medical staff by means of advanced study, and assumed pedagogical tasks of clinical medical teaching in Capital Medical University.
主任医师 教授
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
擅长:1、大血管疾病诊断及介入治疗2、 肺血管疾病影像诊断及介入治疗3、 先天性心脏病影像诊断及介入治疗4、外周血管疾病影像诊断及介入治疗。
三甲 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院
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