- 科室成员:
- 详细介绍:
更多科室特色:主要从事儿科各系统常见病、多发病及复杂的疑难疾病的诊治工作,尤其是在小儿呼吸系统(反复呼吸道感染、肺炎、先心病术前术后感染、哮喘等)、循环系统(心肌损害、心律失常、心肌炎、心肌病、心内弹等)、消化系统疾病(消化不良、)、围生期和新生儿期保健及常见病、结缔组织疾病(过敏性紫癜、川崎病、风湿热等)方面。The department mainly engages in diagnosis and treatment of various systematic pediatric common andcomplex diseases, especially in children with respiratory system diseases (recurrent respiratory tractinfections, pneumonia, congenital heart disease before and after surgery infections, asthma, etc.),circulatory system diseases (myocardial damage, cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis,cardiomyopathy, endocardial fibroelastosis, etc.), digestive system diseases (dyspepsia), perinataland neonatal health and common diseases, connective tissue disease (allergic purpura, Kawasaki disease,rheumatic fever, etc).
Pediatric Department, Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University is a comprehensive clinical department which provides pediatric treatments, education, research, and health care. It currently has 16 health care personnel. There are 12 doctors including 2 are rotating at other pediatric facilities outside the hospital. 2 doctors have doctoral degrees. 3 doctors have master degrees. And all other doctors have undergraduate degrees. Among the 12 doctors, there is one chief physician, one deputy chief physician, 7 physicians and 3 resident physicians. There is also an additional returning physician working part time in the department. There are 5 nurses, 3 of whom are contract nurses. The department mainly engages in diagnosis and treatment of various systematic pediatric common and complex diseases, especially in children with respiratory system diseases (recurrent respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, congenital heart disease before and after surgery infections, asthma, etc.), circulatory system diseases (myocardial damage, cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, endocardial fibroelastosis, etc.), digestive system diseases (dyspepsia), perinatal and neonatal health and common diseases, connective tissue disease (allergic purpura, Kawasaki disease, rheumatic fever, etc). The department has good mixture of professional talents with strong technical background, and a strong sense of service. It is a caring , responsible, and professional medical team. The department provides daily outpatient clinic, emergency service, specialist outpatient clinic. It also offers outpatient services to children with special needs. In addition, the department provides weekly newborn and 42 day check up and health care clinics every Tuesday morning.
Value and support teaching and education reform work. Undertake and complete CapitalMedical University Courses. Have completed multiple projects at national and municipallevel and Published over 30 important theses.Have trained many graduate medical students who are now become important members in medical profession.
The department has won one provincial science and technology prize and one municipal science and technology prize. Teaching team has won outstanding teaching award in Anzhen Hospital.
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